85 results found.
The days are coming (Jeremiah 33:14-16)
We are surrounded by wastelands. God promises new life.
Nonviolent crisis response in my city
I wish Durham’s HEART program had existed when my friend Joe was killed.
October 9, Ordinary 28C (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7)
It’s not that Babylon was backward. But it wasn’t home.
by Diane Roth
September 18, Ordinary 25C (Jeremiah 8:18–9:1)
Jeremiah has to learn to name the reality that is right in front of him.
by Audrey West
September 18, Ordinary 25C (Jeremiah 8:18–9:1)
Jeremiah has to learn to name the reality that is right in front of him.
by Audrey West
Moving through bad days (Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28)
Jeremiah’s ministry bleeds into his humanity.
September 4, Ordinary 23C (Jeremiah 18:1–11)
There is nothing markedly sacred about the potter’s house.
August 21, Ordinary 21C (Jeremiah 1:4-10)
If Jeremiah sounds a bit paranoid, it is because everybody really is against him.
Super tree powers (Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1)
Trees symbolize a holy channel that faithfully stewards the power of God into the world.
by Amy Ziettlow
Celebrating Easter on the anniversary of MLK’s death
The first Easter was a wrecked scene of dispirited disciples in the shadows of an insurrection.
Celebrating Easter on the anniversary of MLK’s death
The first Easter was a wrecked scene of dispirited disciples in the shadows of an insurrection.
Why we need Christ the King Sunday (Luke 23:33–43; Jeremiah 23:1–6; Colossians 1:11–20)
The kings in the Bible feel pretty familiar.
November 24, Reign of Christ C (Jeremiah 23:1-6; Luke 23:33-43)
The unfaithful shepherd sniffs out and stirs up fear, fragmenting communities.
Changing together (Luke 12:49-56; Jeremiah 23:23-29)
What questions arise if we take Jesus' warning literally?
by Hardy Kim
August 18, Ordinary 20C (Luke 12:49-56; Jeremiah 23:23-29)
We preach the gospel of peace and justice. Are there divides between our words and actions?
by Hardy Kim
February 17, Epiphany 6C (Jeremiah 17:5-10; Luke 6:17-26)
Trusting in God is fruitful, says Jeremiah. But what about when it isn’t?
Doorjamb figure of the prophet Jeremiah from a church portal in France
Art selection and commentary by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons
Doorjamb figure of the prophet Jeremiah from a church portal in France
Art selection and commentary by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons
Being a Shalom Sista in a brokenhearted world
What does it look like to embody the peace of the city of God?
by Osheta Moore
A deeper welcome (Jeremiah 28:5-9; Matthew 10:40-42)
“Be welcoming!” Jesus says. Yes, we've got this one covered.
by Liddy Barlow