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12 results found.
Divine love in Hosea 11
Human parents, even good ones, have limits. God does not.
July 24, Ordinary 17C (Hosea 1:2-10)
If Hosea is a factual account, it’s horrific. If it’s an allegory, it’s still horrific.
by Jessica Mesman
Holy crumbs for a holy world
As the children make their way out the door, trails of leftover communion bread go with them.
by Melissa Florer-Bixler
No one from the outside can fully grasp the inner workings of any marriage. Even those inside sometimes find themselves lonely and strangers.
by Frederick A. Niedner
There are many people with whom I have not had an affair. Billions. There is also one man in particular.
by Katherine Willis Pershey
How are we to reconcile the Old Testament's violence with the gospel? Jerome Creach's book is among the best of a recent stream of books on the topic.
by Walter Brueggemann
by Philip C. Kolin