Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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16 results found.
January 22, Epiphany 3A (Psalm 27:1, 4-9; Matthew 4:12-23)
If God is our salvation and stronghold, why are we just as vulnerable as anyone else?
Death’s vision
As my father was dying, I saw God’s radiant face more clearly.
Death’s vision
As my father was dying, I saw God’s radiant face more clearly.
Need words of confidence? Start with Psalm 27.
A new lectionary that centers women
“If the gospel isn’t good news to the women in the passage, is it still good news?”
Grace Ji-Sun Kim interviews Wil Gafney
A new lectionary that centers women
“If the gospel isn’t good news to the women in the passage, is it still good news?”
Grace Ji-Sun Kim interviews Wil Gafney
Church buildings aren’t just buildings
The church is made of people. But they need a home.
Church buildings aren’t just buildings
The church is made of people. But they need a home.
I'm a bit of a congregational song nerd, and the church music folks I know talk about things like "sound pools" and "heart songs."
Sound pools are what Mennonite musician, teacher, and hymnologist Mary Oyer and her students (who became my teachers) describe as the body of music that a culture or community shares.
I'm a bit of a congregational song nerd, and the church music folks I know talk about things like "sound pools" and "heart songs."
Sound pools are what Mennonite musician, teacher, and hymnologist Mary Oyer and her students (who became my teachers) describe as the body of music that a culture or community shares.
When did we stop taking church architecture seriously? Christians used to devote themselves to building projects that lasted over a hundred years. Not anymore.
When did we stop taking church architecture seriously? Christians used to devote themselves to building projects that lasted over a hundred years. Not anymore.
Light is light. And only light can bring our fragmented darkness into proper perspective and allow us to see things whole.
Light is light. And only light can bring our fragmented darkness into proper perspective and allow us to see things whole.
I was at a class reunion with several former classmates when one of them, a professor of philosophy, asked an unusual question: “What fears have you conquered over the years and what new ones have you acquired?” Not eager to make our private fears public, each of us waited for someone else to open up the discourse. One person finally listed some familiar fears, including “mice,” “being left out or abandoned” and “the dark.”
I was at a class reunion with several former classmates when one of them, a professor of philosophy, asked an unusual question: “What fears have you conquered over the years and what new ones have you acquired?” Not eager to make our private fears public, each of us waited for someone else to open up the discourse. One person finally listed some familiar fears, including “mice,” “being left out or abandoned” and “the dark.”