Acts 7
8 results found.
May 10, Easter 5 (Acts 7:55–60; Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16)
Are we guilty of throwing stones or of watching coats?
What if you’re not Stephen? (Acts 7:55-60)
When we read biblical narratives, we tend to imagine ourselves as the protagonist.
by Enuma Okoro
May 14, Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 7:55–60; Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16; 1 Peter 2:2–10; John 14:1–14
by Enuma Okoro
Jesus’ barrio: Inmates as apostles
Gangs excel at finding the lost, adopting them and sending them out. Therefore, gang youth can be recruited for apostolic ministry.
by Chris Hoke
Sunday, May 22, 2011: Acts 7:55–60; John 14:1–14
I love interfaith gatherings, but I would never invite Stephen.
Precious stones: Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16
On a recent visit to Washington, D.C., I saw the Hope diamond at the National Museum of Natural History. It’s odd to think that a large piece of carbon, refined by millions of years of compression and cut by human hands, could draw such crowds. Yet people are continually huddled around the display case, which is wired with numerous sensors for security.
Sticks and stones: Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; Acts 7:55-60
Faithful suffering has always been part of the calling for God’s people.