Adelle M. Banks
Multisite church model still vital, study shows
The vast majority of multisite churches are growing, according to a new study, and they are seeing more involvement from laypeople and newcomers after they open an additional location.
...Programs help chaplains handle their grief
Seated at a table with other chaplains who have comforted grieving military families, retired army chaplain John Schumacher held the red rose in his hands before he passed it along, pausing to reme...
‘Dear Martin’: Bishop’s letters to MLK trace the highs and lows in race relations
c. 2014 Religion News Service
...Congregations turn to compost for lessons on life, death and the environment
c. 2014 Religion News Service
...Some Seventh-day Adventists forge ahead on women clergy
c. 2013 Religion News Service
(RNS) First, three U.S. regional groups of the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted in 2012 for women to be ordained.
...New film prompts calls for racial reconciliation
The new movie 12 Years a Slave may depict a bygone era in American history, but religious leaders hope it might spark increased attention about present-day race relations.