Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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This week, I was speaking to a handful of strong, smart writers who were on their way to publishing major books, but they were nervous about entering the Wild West World of the Internet....
My daughter came home from school—elementary school—reading a book that she absolutely could not put down. Then she starts telling me the plot. “Kids kill one another.”
...The last time my family visited New York City, we stopped by a board game coffeehouse....
I’m in San Francisco. Or, technically, I’m in San Anselmo at San Francisco Theological Seminary, which is a jewel....
When I served a church with a columbarium, I imagined where I wanted my ashes. It’s morbid, I know. But it’s a professional hazard....
What are the best books for ministry written in the 21st century? We asked seven pastors to pick their favorites. — Ed.
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