Carol Howard Merritt
Shining a light on our lurking depravity
I never imagined Kevin Spacey as a moral guide. Still, even when the bar was not high, the news has been heartbreaking for humanity.
What will make us better humans?
As I think about all of the complex questions we have ahead of us concerning downsizing, restructuring, property, and buildings, I’ve begun to have one guiding question.
Drifting into the flow, without a brain hack
Our culture will continue to replace traditional religion with other services that attempt to provide the same thing.
The sound of agony
Taking away medical care for millions of Americans is not the right thing. Paying millions to politicians to ensure that healthcare will end for Americans is morally deplorable.
Opposing the Nashville Statement
There are a lot of people who don’t know how a Christian can believe in the Bible, be gay, and celebrate their LGBTQ friends.
Hitting the pavement instead of the sheetcake
This is our Pentecost moment, to move out into the streets, proclaiming the Spirit's presence among all people.
Life after evangelicalism
For those who are struggling, who have come to that realization they can no longer value one race over another, for those who ache with the poison of complicity, we have a faith of repentance and forgiveness.
Lift every voice and sing
With white supremacists surrounding the University of Virginia, what is our role?
Gratitude for the poppies
We cannot always create something out of nothing. Rather, we change what already exists, and these tiny alterations give us meaning and purpose in our lives.
How our theological narratives can reinforce abuse
Calvinists who believe in complementarianism are more likely to also believe domestic violence myths.
A call to death
One gift of being a pastor is that death stands right in front of us. We understand that our days are numbered.
An enduring narrative
We are called into liberation—a freedom that sees not our value as consumers but the dignity inherent in our humanity.
Liberty University, your roots are showing
On Saturday, Donald Trump gave his first commencement address—at Liberty University. How could the Moral Majority and a famously immoral president form this alliance?
Slaying the monsters
Theological issues might be “settled” for us, but there is a big world out there that needs to hear our voices.
More thoughts on Tim Keller
I reject complementarian theology—whatever the degree to which it is put into practice, and however nice the husband is about enacting his authority.
Does teaching submission encourage abuse?
Princeton Seminary is giving an award to Tim Keller, one of the loudest, most read, and most adhered-to proponents of male headship in the home.
Truth and revelation
Our truth is the sort of truth that acknowledges that we see through a mirror dimly.
Will young men and women from middle and lower class backgrounds be pushed down with medical and educational debt? Will they see the military as the only option for education, health, and opportunity?
Marching and loving
As I marched alongside sisters, mothers, and daughters, I remembered how my religious upbringing robbed me of my ability to love.