Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Maybe it’s part of our “have a nice day,” smiley-face culture, but these days it seems that praise is tossed around as lavishly as dandelions in the spring grass....
Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission, by Christopher L. Heuertz and Christine D. Pohl....
I’ve been an appreciative reader, even a fan, of Brian McLaren since reading his 1998 book, The Churc...
At a church leadership retreat, a tall man with a mustache and red suspenders stands up and says, “Several of us here find ourselves wondering if our church is still God-centered....
A classic 1970s study on the demise of railroads concluded that they went out of busine...
A past president of Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, Weeks locates the often denigrated work of church administrat...
When delegates want to speak at a gathering of my denomination, it’s customary for them to stand up and give their name, next give the name of their church, and then say whatever it is they got up ...
In the story of David and Goliath, Saul famously insisted that David be outfitted in his own kingly armor. While this was a generous gesture, David found that he could hardly move....
A wonderful collection of essays from a variety of distinguished practitioners chronicles the sometimes jo...
In Anger: Your Spiritual Ally, Andrew Lester, emeritus professor of pastoral theol...
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