Trevor Grundy
Episcopal Church adopts same-sex liturgy, causing 'distress' for some Anglicans
The 2-million-member Episcopal Church voted overwhelmingly on July 1 to let gay and lesbian couples marry in the church’s religious ceremonies, reinforcing its support for same-sex nuptials days a...
Tony Blair’s new job: fighting religious and political extremism in Europe
Former British prime minister Tony Blair has a new job campaigning against religious and political extremism in Europe.
...British Jews object to ultra-Orthodox sect’s decree banning women from driving
c. 2015 Religion News Service
...Rachel Treweek, Alison White appointed Church of England bishops; Treweek first woman to lead a diocese
The Church of England appointed Rachel Treweek, 52, as the next bishop of Gloucester in the southwest region of England.
...England debates legalizing in vitro technique giving baby DNA of three parents
England could become the first country to allow the creation of human embryos from the DNA of three people to try to eradicate a type of genetic disease that has caused the deaths of thousands of b...
British churches to celebrate Magna Carta’s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage
c. 2015 Religion News Service
...British Jews concerned about future in Europe
More than half of British Jews (58 percent) question whether they have a future in Britain or Europe, according to a survey conducted by the Campaign Against Antisemitism.
...Fleeing persecution, Christian converts find safe houses in England
c. 2014 Religion News Service
...Archbishop Justin Welby: Anglican Communion may “not hold together”
c. 2014 Religion News Service
...Top Anglican calls for lifting seal of confessional in child abuse cases
c. 2014 Religion News Service
...Methodists in the UK are dwindling quickly
As the Methodist Church in Britain loses members, one religious affairs commentator described it as “like an iceberg that’s just crumbling into the sea.”
...Church of England votes approval of women bishops
After 20 years of turmoil and angry debate, the General Synod of the Church of England said yes to women bishops....