Joanna Harader
What do you do?
People who want to be included
Let the children serve
January 3, Epiphany Sunday: Matthew 2:1-12; Isaiah 60:1-6
December 27, First Sunday after Christmas Day: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26; Luke 2:41-52
How many candles?
Sunday morning at the beginning of worship, I lit our peace lamp and then I lit four white candles: for Paris, Beirut, Aleppo, and Baghdad.
...Words of hope and other words too
My daughters are not distracting
On sacrifice and suffering
Thin places in this week’s readings
On public writing and polarization
I recently helped write a letter to leaders of my denomination, Mennonite Church USA....
Dancing with the elephant
In one of my Mennonite Facebook groups recently, someone asked who would be the first to blog about the “elephant in the room.”
...So much for unity
Story-shaped theology
Recently I came across this beautiful question in a sermon from Randy Newswanger:
...Holy communion
My family shared communion bread in my father’s hospice room before he died. We blessed it, broke it, and ate it....
Operation Streamline
They are brought into the Tucson, Arizona, courtroom 70 at a time. Brown-skinned people, mostly men. Dusty jeans. Faded t-shirts. Calloused hands. Muscled arms. Weary faces.
...On the Cleveland kidnappings
Yes. It is horrible that a man held three women and a child captive in his home for years.
...Creflo Dollar, Cindy Crawford and salvation
At the gym recently, I found myself on the elliptical machine with two television options in front of me....