Steve Thorngate
Small Town Heroes, by Hurray for the Riff Raff
How not to act in solidarity with Ferguson
What’s the best way for white Americans to act in solidarity with black Americans protesting the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson?
...Other people saying things
"We already know that he started out at a time when it was accepted for a Ferguson cop to ...
An army of cops in a community with little reason to trust them
A throwback to Birmingham
Mayhem in northern Iraq
In the current issue of the Century, Philip Jenkins writes about the fall of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city...
Other people saying things
“Every day, we think that the crisis here cannot get worse and every day it does."
..."The cat's got their prophetic tongue"
Are Christians really divided primarily by our views of sex?
Interesting exchange last week between Rod Dreher and Andrew Sullivan, two fine bloggers often at odds with both major parties and sometimes with each other, too.
...Other federal budget lines that don't address character
A mixed bag from Paul Ryan
Ordinarily, when Paul Ryan puts something out about poverty and social spending, the response is predictable and polarized....
Obamacare covered somebody's health, but not mine
We mostly like Jews, Catholics, and evangelicals! Do they like us?
Other people saying things
"Find extremists and hot-heads of the lowest common denominator variety, seed them with weaponry only a few militaries in the world possess - and, well, just see what happens. ...
I know she's still with us. (She's sitting right over there.)
Welcoming these kids is the least we can do
Other people saying things
"The humanitarian crisis at the border is not a political problem. It is not even an immigration problem....