Steve Thorngate
What we talk about when we talk about hate
A few hours ago, a man walked into the Family Research Council's headquarters in DC, where he shot and wounded a security guard before guards and bystanders subdued him....
Word nerds and status anxiety
Among my writerly friends and kin, debates about language rules are routine....
Beyond condemning violence
Oh, Wheaton
How is Gary different from Flint?
This past weekend, Holy Covenant United Methodist Church—where I moonlight as a church musician—participated in a "...
A fourth year of lections?
I've had a convert's fervor for liturgical worship ever since I stumbled upon an ELCA music position as a recent Wheaton College grad with a very low-church background....
"I need to be educated by someone who actually wants to be a teacher."
I grew up with the Onion—before it was national, it was a Wisconsin thing—and I've long been especially fond of the "Point/Counterpoint" columns....
More on the middle class and framing
Caught in between?
In the aftermath of Ross-Douthat-bashes-liberal-Christians-gate, lots of folks are citing ...