Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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c. 2013 Religion News Service
...c. 2013 Religion News Service
...c. 2013 Religion News Service
...Pope Francis rocked the Catholic Church and surprised the wider world with a free-ranging interview in which he envisioned a church that is not “obsessed” with a few sexual and moral issues and is ...
c. 2013 Religion News Service
...c. 2013 Religion News Service
...Of all the novelties that Pope Francis has brought to the Vatican, few have endeared him to the public—and unsettled his aides—as much as his penchant for picking up the phone and calling someone o...
c. 2013 Religion News Service
...With his open and easygoing manner, Pope Francis charmed the media as much as the faithful during his visit to Brazil, the first international pilgrimage...
c. 2013 Religion News Service
...News that scientists had for the first time recovered stem cells from cloned human embryos prompted dire warnings from religious leaders who say the research crosses a moral red line and could lead...
Even as an annual review in mid-May gave Catholic bishops high marks on sexual abuse prevention policies, officials with the church’s oversight agencies expressed serious concerns about “recent hig...
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