Martin E. Marty
Rambo Jesus: Spiritually, Armadeddon is already here
The American nation . . . is engaged at this very hour in an attempt . . . to Christianize every phase of a righteous war waged to save the life of democracy,” Lieutenant George Stewart Jr....
Resurrection: “In the midst of death we are surrounded by life!”
Eostre, the Teutonic goddess of fertility with an Anglo-Saxon name, never did much for us except, perhaps, give her name to Easter....
Like it or not: Fumbling for words
Some decades ago the replacement of and synonym for ummhhh and aaahhh was “you know,” a phrase introduced by “Valley Girls” and voiced by speakers not because you did know, but...
Love letter: To Harriet
Dear Harriet: After we cried over the recent death of one of our heroes and friends, John Tietjen of (Lutheran) Seminex days, we also smiled to read that at the 50th anniversary of his ordination, ...
Ordained by baptism: When the "Thou" transcends the rules
Testimony, not advocacy, is my intent in this first foray into a subject about which church bodies argue: the “blessing of gay marriage/unions” and “ordination to clergy status” of men and women in...
Speechcraft: Learning elocution in the olden days
Just in time to help me understand the 2004 political campaign and church scene, my son Micah presented me with Appleton’s School Readers Fifth Reader....
Which Luther? A God-obsessed seeker: A God-obsessed seeker
I have lived with Martin Luther for 76 years, since I was christened with the reformer’s name. My father was a Lutheran teacher and organist....
Kinda sorry: Banal expressions of contrition
The Western world lost much when the confession-absolution dyad dropped God out of the equation....
A little hope: In the promises of God
Now and then I take off the shelf Charles Péguy’s Mystery of the Holy Innocents, a book-length poem I first read as a newly minted Ph.D. in 1956, the year it was published....
Two of a kind: Century board members Paul Simon and Al Ward
"Oner,” a slang word that crossword-puzzle-makers favor, is defined as a “rare and unique person, someone especially excellent.” We just lost two oners: Century board members Paul...
Watch case: Christian hope for the future
Time, like an ever-rolling stream / Bears all its sons away . . .” [or, as alt. would have it, “soon bears us all away”] would be a paralyzing line were it not for the hymn’s opening invocation....
Barefoot capitalism: Microfinance
Some years ago, I accepted an invitation to referee a book manuscript that defended capitalism. The author responded that my critique revealed traces of my lifelong commitment to socialism....
Good gaffe: Blush-worthy moments
Is there a Greek word for “embarrassment”? My English biblical concordances have no entry for it. “Shame,” carrying as it does the connotations of guilt, has scores of listings....
A guy named Satan: General Boykin's claims
Before Old soldier Lieutenant General William G. Boykin “just fades away,” as General Douglas MacArthur said they all do, let me examine his contributions to theology. Assigned to lead the U.S....
The real Luther: The Reformer in film
Having just written a biography of Martin Luther, coming out in January in the Viking Penguin Lives series, I was curious to see how the movie Luther turned out....
Chirping season: Denominational conventions
The season of denominational conventions is over for 2003, and not a moment too soon....
Unchanging faith? America's God: America's God
"Wonderfully prolific” and “as fine a historian as America now boasts” is how reviewer Eugene D....
Moore commandments: A graven image
The graven image of the Ten Commandments, as well as the name of its sponsor, Judge Roy Moore, will a) fade into history or b) get enshrined somewhere in Alabama....
Lost change: No money sense
Recent findings have reopened arguments concerning when humans arrived in our hemisphere....
Fundamental things: Dietary restrictions
Something “anomalous” is “inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected.” I just learned that this definition fits the University of Chicago faculty, with whom I worked for...