Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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A half phrase from Augustine has challenged and inspired me for a half century: “God is like the nature he made.” It appears as a virtual throwaway line, quoted in José Ortega y ...
No! blurted the expert on Japanese Buddhism. He was a member of a group of interreligious and interdisciplinary thinkers charged with coming up with a consensus statement....
Fifty years ago, when a generation of seminarians was cutting its theological fangs, friendship was a disdained term....
God is “eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, holy, just, faithful, benevolent, merciful and gracious.” I can still rattle off those divine attributes learned in catechism class....
At age 12, when I still thought I was or would be or could be a poet, John G. Neihardt figured large in my imagination. For 50-plus years he was Nebraska’s poet laureate....
To Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Executed by the Nazis in April 1945
In the 1960s, famed community organizer Saul Alinksy, Arthur M....
As Christians conquered pagan lands, they regularly superimposed Christian symbols on pagan shrines....
The next time I head for the airport security line, ready to be scolded for wearing too large a wristwatch, I will have to make a quick decision....
Ronald Autry has always been called Ronald, never Ron or Ronnie, during the years that we have known him....
All together now, with heart and soul and voices, let’s sing number 1786. Why don’t I read the lyrics first, and then let the guitar and drums pick it up:
...Hell is talked about cautiously, if at all, in mainline churches....
On the way to the airport for my TWA flight to St. Louis, I gassed up at the Standard station....
This spring a certain Christian layperson has been criticized for not exiting his local church when he disagreed with something his pastor preached.
...Tim Goeglein, special assistant to the president and deputy director of the Office of Public Liaison, was recently caught plagiarizing Dartmouth veteran Jeffrey Hart....
I wait each year for the January issue of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research with its “Table C....
Sixty-nine years after I moved away, I still read the West Point News, the weekly in my Nebraska hometown....
The medial orbitofrontal cortex has given us much to think about recently....
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