What can the church offer trans people right now?
Baptism and Eucharist should rework all of our ideas about identity.
Church on the run
If I want kinship with my Anabaptist ancestors, I know where to look: in prison.
From seminary classroom to encampment
Students protesting the war in Gaza are asking deep questions about colonialism, antisemitism, and Christian Zionism.
Please, tell me what it says in the original Greek
Why are clergy so embarrassed to know things their job requires them to know?
A study Bible for Anabaptism’s birthday
“This is not a Bible just for Mennonites,” says Anabaptism at 500 project director John Roth.
The Christmas of Baby Tommy
We raised our kids without a religious narrative. My young son stumbled upon one on his own.
Keep swinging for the fences
My decades of church life have been full of the stuff one might expect from a place that promises God and only sometimes delivers.
What White Christians did to Black Charlotte
Greg Jarrell explores how one congregation in his city took advantage of racist urban renewal policies.
Divine silence
A Quaker colleague taught me how stillness exercises agency, how it acts upon worshipers.
Ancestral blessings
I attended a talk by a pastor who begins services by asking, “Who do you bring into worship with you?”
Cecil Williams kept his ear to the ground
The longtime pastor of Glide Memorial Church was involved in nearly every major social justice movement in the Bay Area for 60 years.
Mourning prayer
The church’s old cork board reminded me that our heartbroken cries go directly to God.
Conspiracies of goodness
When I fear a dystopian future, I hold on to stories of everyday resistance.
The gift of interfaith difference
At the Muslim community center, I felt the tension of our divergence. But I also sensed gratitude.
Why church marketing won’t work with Gen Z
Equity requires people with power giving some of it up. What if we applied this principle to young adult ministry?
The meaning of a sermon
I’m sure these faithful people have heard all of these words before. So what is my task here?