white supremacy
Learning to face the doctrine of discovery
I wish I’d had Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah’s book when I was in college.
How did American racism get to this point?
Joel Goza explores America’s addiction to racism and racialized poverty.
How white supremacist groups are targeting online gamers
Extremists craft narratives of persecution, oppression, and the need for heroic struggle. So do video games.
by Helena M. Hansson and David Keck
Identifying white fragility
Real talk about racism requires getting past knee-jerk reactions.
The black social gospel and the civil rights movement
Gary Dorrien chronicles the influential—but often forgotten—work of Mordecai Johnson, Benjamin Mays, and Howard Thurman.
by John Fea
Are we of any use in the fight against racism?
I used to be cautious about partnerships with people who don’t share my faith-based commitment to nonviolence. Now I’m not so sure.
Faith leaders on the front lines in Charlottesville
An interfaith group of clergy gathered alongside anti-racist and anti-fascist activists countering white supremacist and neo-Nazi protesters.
I shouldn't have to be so scared
In 34 years in this country, I've experienced racism. But I've never felt like I feel this week.
Hitting the pavement instead of the sheetcake
This is our Pentecost moment, to move out into the streets, proclaiming the Spirit's presence among all people.
Denouncing the evil lie of white supremacy
The right-wing extremists aren't counting on support from most white people. Just silence.
In the face of violent white supremacy, how should I respond?
I was invited to an interfaith solidarity service. Instead I spent the day reading Congressman John Lewis's graphic novel trilogy about the civil rights movement.
Woodrow Wilson’s troubling faith
Wilson adopted a brand of social Christianity that justified white supremacy and more.
Why more education can't block the criminalizing gaze at black bodies
I am a black man, and will always be so. Therefore, when I move about in the United States people first see my blackness and not my education. This means ongoing vulnerability because my blackness still is interpreted as criminal through a racialized lens.
A conversation with Liam Miller on racism, a whitened Jesus, and the subversive character of the kingdom of God
I was able to sit and have a brief conversation with him about racism, a whitened Jesus, and the reign of God. I thought you might appreciate the conversation as well. Let me know what you think.
White supremacy in American Christianity
Christianity isn’t inherently white supremacist. But Christian faith in America has been interpreted in a way that upholds the tenets of white supremacy, which is built on 18th and 19th century Western hegemonic values. These cultural values, which have been intertwined into mainline American Christianity, protect and uphold the system of white supremacy.
“All men are created equal,” claims the Declaration of Independence.
How old is racism?
Many will look at the tribal and ethnic tensions that exist all around the world as a problem as old as human civilization. Isn’t this a strong argument for the reality that the racism that was practiced by white/western Europe is indeed just a reflection of what has always been?
Reckoning with racism
Why does the church participate in modern-day lynching, or at most turn a blind eye, rather than protesting as our faith would dictate?
A space where we can learn about white supremacy and the church together
Join me in June for Duke Divinity's 'Summer Institute for Reconciliation' to learn together how we can subvert the currents of racial hierarchy and racism that permeate our lives.