Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Methodists in Oklahoma form lay monastic order
by Meagan Ewton
by Heather Hahn
Methodist civil rights leader William Bobby McClain dies at 82
by Emily McFarlan Miller
Iliff School of Theology reckons with grisly past
by Jim Patterson
Georgia UMC church leaves denomination in support of LGBTQ rights
United Methodist civil rights activist Gil Caldwell dies at 86
by Adelle M. Banks
by Sam Hodges
Ivy Taylor becomes first woman to lead Methodist Rust College
by Dawn Araujo-Hawkins
Texas church puts a literal spotlight on Black Lives Matter
by Matt Jacob
UMC musician’s protest hymn goes viral
Christian publishing houses announce layoffs
by Shireen Korkzan
Methodist Native caucus supports tribe at risk of losing ancestral lands
by Ginny Underwood
UMC pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell resumes preaching following guilty wire fraud plea
Roland Fernandes to head United Methodist missions agency
by Gad Maiga
United Methodists plan a split over LGBTQ differences
by Sam Hodges and Kathy L. Gilbert
UMC pastor retires 'under complaint' after sex abuse allegations