Karl Barth
Reading for Preaching, by Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Cornelius Plantinga Jr. contends that to be fully prepared to share a word from God with a congregation, a preacher should attend to storytellers, biographers, poets and journalists.
reviewed by Robert Cornwall
Truth is proportional: The limits of what we can know
Rousseau and Barth each imagined arriving in heaven with his books. But the response they anticipated could hardly have been more different.
5 essential books on Paul
In addition to its roundup of book reviews, the Century's fall books issue features works that guest critics consider to be essential reading on three topics: John Calvin, Paul and preaching. A. Katherine Grieb's essential books on Paul are: Paul and His Letters (second edition), The Writings of St. Paul, Our Mother Saint Paul, Rereading Paul Together: Protestant and Catholic Perspectives on Justification, and A Shorter Commentary on Romans. Read her comments here.
Divine violence?
In the New Testament, God's "violence" is a precondition of human nonviolence.