Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
At the border, “law and order” looks a lot like chaos
Trump’s new policies are creating confusion and misery.
Driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants benefit everybody
New Jersey just became the 14th state to offer them.
Visiting a tent city in Mexico created by Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocol
The children here are gaunt and listless. They are running out of time.
by Matt Gaventa
Immigration and the biblical law of the stranger
In Torah, the stranger appears as a guest to be welcomed, not a problem to be solved.
If the U.S. sends this man back to the DRC today, he will probably be killed
I would have thought we would welcome a pro-democracy activist.
A visit to the border with the New Sanctuary Coalition
In Tijuana, we witnessed the resilience and humanity of the migrant movement.
Christians are hospitable because Jesus is Lord
An evangelical case for pluralism
A separated family's long road to reunification
A Guatemalan asylum seeker has an attorney and a team of supporters. It was still hard to get her children back.
No tolerance for zero tolerance
The Trump administration's treatment of vulnerable migrants—particularly children—is neither fair nor humane.
How Jeff Sessions reads Romans 13 and how my Mennonite Sunday school class does
In the hands of coercive power, the Bible is a weapon.
What's behind our arguments about immigration?
When we talk about the immigration rate, we're really talking about our most fundamental fears and beliefs.
Billy is undocumented. Should I marry him?
We thought we had a good plan, but the lawyer said it might not work.
The autumn of our discontent
As leaves fall from the trees, Ali Smith helps us fall into the dreams and fears of her characters.
God is. . . Black?
Love is always vulnerable and yet will never be trumped.
Susan Faludi’s memoir reveals the deep complexity of her father’s many identities.
by LaVonne Neff