Epiphany after a hard year
Lately I find myself returning to the writing of Brian Doyle.
Making a habit out of Epiphany
Epiphanies flare up and fade. How can we keep them in our everyday vision?
January 6, Epiphany of the Lord (Matthew 2:1–12)
Genealogies suggest a beautiful inevitability even amid political impossibility.
Joy is for Epiphany, too
From the wise men to the wedding at Cana, joy comes from recognizing and affirming the good.
Bedbug epiphany: A Three Kings pageant
The frankincense gift needs to be taped back together. So does the stable wall.
A church-visit epiphany
This past Sunday was the Epiphany, the celebration of the incarnate Christ made manifest. It also happened to be the Sunday I decided to visit a congregation of the Metropolitan Community Church.
The MCC is more theologically liberal than I am, so I braced myself for some hangups. But I also wanted to remain as open as possible to experiencing God in a different context. I’m glad I went.
Blogging toward Epiphany: A life and death matter
The Old Testament and gospel readings for Epiphany function as point and counterpoint. Isaiah offers a word of great comfort to those who have been so long in darkness. Impoverished as the hearers have been, honor and fortune are on their way. It's a message of rejoicing: the light that has dawned will make all who see it radiant.