Luther’s legacy
The Reformation led to a full embrace of the radical political implications of a humanity created in the image of God.
Searching for a church: Life on the ecclesiastical frontier
In Strasbourg, my husband and I became ecclesiastical two-timers. Once we'd done that, it was easy to become three-timers.
Embattled Ecumenism, by Jill K. Gill
Jill Gill has produced a remarkable account of the declining influence of mainline Protestantism and the NCC in the 1960s and 70s.
reviewed by Randall Balmer
Unsettled issues: The Protestant-Catholic impasse
The broken communion evident at any eucharistic service is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible state of affairs.
Global engagement
The Vietnam War forced Protestant ethicists to consider Catholic teachings about war, and I learned much from Catholic colleagues. My outlook was also changed by ecumenical contacts of another kind.
The Luther walk
Walk along with Century contributor Sarah Hinlicky Wilson and her husband Andrew
Lars Wilson as they retrace the journey Martin Luther made from Erfut, Germany,
to Rome in 1510—500 years ago this year.