climate change
Meet Gil, the protector
The protagonist of Lydia Millet’s new novel is like a mother hen, both to his neighbors and to the birds.
Why did conservative evangelicals turn against the environment?
It was mostly politics, argues historian Neall Pogue.
In the face of climate change, how do we tend to our spirits?
In true agrarian fashion, Norm Wirzba suggests starting small.
Who gets to live on the land?
Historian Jo Guldi argues that land occupancy struggles aren’t just about fairness; they’re about humanity’s survival.
A reminder of what’s worth saving
Elizabeth Weinberg’s call to climate action highlights the interconnection of all things.
When the Four Horsemen ride again
Climate change will have religious consequences, especially in the Global South.
Where did the baby boomers go wrong?
Bill McKibben recalls his suburban childhood without a hint of nostalgia.
Earth’s self-care
The blue-and-green-marbled planet is trying her best to restore stability.
40 ways a church can go green
Light bulbs, bike racks, solar panels, and more
What does it mean to be a green church during a climate crisis?
It’s a way of life. But it starts small.
Fighting climate change one small act at a time
Light bulbs and solar panels won’t solve the climate crisis. They’re signs of something greater.
We need to talk about climate change
Scientist Katharine Hayhoe recommends focusing on common ground and hope.
Maggie Nelson finds freedom in the emphatic middle
Her new essay collection examines how Americans thread the needle between care and constraint.
Climate change requires adaptive faith
Debra Rienstra urges Christians to create spaces of transition and new growth wherever we are.
by Liuan Huska
A grand vision for a crumbling world (Ephesians 1:15-23)
Christ has brought the entire cosmos into submission? Frankly, it doesn’t look that way.
by Greg Carey
Hope for the climate (Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67; Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5; John 5:1-9)
Given the environmental future we’re facing, we would do well to address it with resurrection hope.