Christian nationalism is thriving in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
Understanding the political situation in the US’s mirror-image nation
by Raimundo Barreto and João B. Chaves
Brazil’s explosion of música gospel
As Protestants gain numbers, a sizable world of Christian music in many genres has emerged.
Rubem Alves builds altars of word and song
The bold visions of the grandfather of liberation theology
Take & Read: Global Christianity
Five new books about the lives and faith of Christians around the world
selected by Philip Jenkins
Is Brazil’s Universal Church of the Kingdom of God a field hospital or a marketplace?
A look inside the thriving (and sometimes controversial) neo-Pentecostal denomination
How will history judge Latin American churches’ COVID response?
Likely with both praise and blame.
Brazil’s massive replica of the Temple of Solomon
The Pentecostals of the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus have a mighty vision.
Marielle Franco and the crucifixion of love
The Brazilian activist was killed by the same world that killed Jesus—a world that can’t bear love.
Let's make Earth Day about the Earth martyrs
Flowers and creation hymns aren't going to cut it this year.
How a Christian bloc helped oust Brazil's president
Evangelical politicians were among the most vocal opponents of Dilma Rouseff and her party's social programs.
Ending extreme poverty: Economist Ana Revenga
"The biggest driver of success against global poverty is economic growth—but not any kind of economic growth."
interview by Amy Frykholm
Episode 9: Cláudio Carvalhaes
Matt talks to the McCormick Theological Seminary professor about liberationist preaching, being a missionary in the U.S., and prophetic preaching vs. moralistic finger-wagging.
A secular Latin America?
The U.S. may be heading toward European-style secularization. More surprisingly, several Latin American countries mirror conditions in the States.