Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Tyre Nichols’s killing is not an exception
Police violence against Black citizens is written into the script of American culture.
The Rittenhouse verdict and the twisting of natural law
If a protest for equal rights is a threatening provocation, then answering that threat with violence is merely self-defense.
For BLM cofounder Alicia Garza, organizing is about doing the work no one wants to do
Someone has got to do the dishes.
I was afraid to protest in Kenosha, but my parishioner needed me
The city felt like it had been sucker punched.
Why didn’t the police show any empathy for Daniel Prude?
Jesus, too, encountered a naked man living with mental torment. He responded quite differently.
How Killer Mike helped me rethink the work of Christian activism
Protesting in Jesus’ name is an outward act that yields inner transformation.
Trump uses Democratic cities as stage for “law and order” theatrics
Observers noted that federal officers in Portland caused more trouble than they solved. That may have been the point.
In declaring whose lives matter, Martin Luther failed his own idolatry test
When it comes to racism, we’re failing it too.
Why are so many white Christians suddenly standing up for racial justice?
It might help that our pews aren’t available to sit in and pray.
The coronavirus lockdown was doomed before the mass protests began
Its demise came from the same system that killed George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.
James Baldwin reminds us not to be surprised by this
Facing the “intolerable trouble” of antiblack violence
The liturgy of a black lives matter protest
Last week in Louisville, I went to church.
Being church while the neighborhood burns
“There’s a fire that cannot be extinguished except by justice.”
Elizabeth Palmer interviews Ingrid C. A. Rasmussen and Angela Khabeb
The additional violence of George Floyd’s autopsy report
It’s getting harder to believe in the vindication of history.
The killing of George Floyd and the meaning of kneeling
When we see a white police officer kneeling on a black body, squeezing the breath of life out of that body, we are witnessing an act of worship.
Ahmaud Arbery’s lynching begs America to respond
What would it take to stop seeing neighbors as intruders and threats?