Prominent evangelical scholars are, once again, disavowing Trump
They’re brave to do so. Do they go far enough?
by Greg Carey
How the security culture has burdened women
Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz shows how the post-9/11 US has intensified control of women’s bodies.
A pastoral encounter with abortion I’ll never forget
The teenager told me she was down to her last option: a hanger.
Law is too blunt an instrument for the complex realities of abortion
People’s lives elude sharply drawn lines.
Anti-abortion legislators need a dose of compassion
These draconian new state laws seem more pro-birth than pro-life.
Catholicism and the secular state
The intertwining of the Catholic Church and politics, from World War I to Trump
Two ways of being Christian and pro-choice
Is abortion only the lesser of evils, or can it be a moral good?
by Amy Frykholm
What we talk about when we talk about sex
The intersection of race and sexuality is the ur-story of American culture.
by Amy Frykholm
Women's rights, disability rights
Abortion, Down syndrome, and the question of prenatal testing
by Rachel Adams
A fictional world where abortion and IVF are illegal—and the women who live there
Leni Zumas's novel makes a political point. More importantly, it cultivates empathy.
by Amy Frykholm
The binary logic of pro-life vs. pro-choice
Most Americans aren't abortion absolutists. The available political options don't reflect this.
The face of Everyhuman
As a child, I liked to survey strangers about what it means to be human. Brandon Stanton has created a fully realized version of what I was doing.
When Christian abortion providers are targeted for harassment
A few years after Howard Stephens started providing abortions, he became the target of local anti-abortion protesters. They picketed his home on weekends, distributed leaflets around his neighborhood calling him a murderer, followed his moves around town, and sent hate mail to his son.
Perhaps most concerning, the protesters picketed Howard’s church twice.
by David S. Cohen and Krysten Connon
Choices and lives: The changing politics of abortion
There has been a broad and dramatic shift toward more abortion restrictions in the United States. This will almost certainly continue.
Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life, by Fabrizio Amerini
Fabrizio Amerini’s analysis creates precision about Aquinas on beginning-of-life issues—something other accounts, especially abortion polemics, often lack.
reviewed by George Dennis O’Brien
A broad decision or a narrow one?
Is Burwell v. Hobby Lobby about freedom of (corporate) conscience broadly, or is it just about a few specific contraceptives? It can’t really be both.
From abortion, to contraception, to...
Be sure to read Amelia Thomson-Deveaux's article on the emerging evangelical-Catholic alliance over contraception. I think her historical analogy is entirely fair: evangelicals haven't always been opposed to contraception, but then they weren't always galvanized against abortion, either. And I appreciate that she doesn't simply endorse one of the two standard narratives on how evangelicals came to hate abortion—that either they came around to this opposition organically as they learned about the facts OR they were cynically manipulated by political operatives. There's truth in each of those stories; they aren't mutually exclusive.
Caught in the middle: On abortion and homosexuality
Nowhere has our callow politics asserted itself more thoughtlessly and noisily than in the politicization of personal or private life.