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Other people's languages
Acts 2 tells of those who, while seemingly drunk with the new wine of the spirit, actually understand one another’s native languages....
Truth and consequences
My dad and I fought constantly when I was a teenager. In my adolescent mind, every boundary set by my parents was evidence that they did not trust me or see me as the adult I obviously was....
Christian terrorists? Hutaree and the limits of Christian diversity: Hutaree and the limits of Christian diversity
The Christian militia group known as the Hutaree, whose leaders were arrested by the FBI during Holy Week, is fond of quoting Christian scripture....
Century Marks
Wheeze control: Children with severe asthma who are enrolled in a preventive-care program at Children's Hospital Boston receive free inhalers from insurance companies. The hospital sends nurses to visit families after discharge to make sure children have medicine and know how to use it; it provides home inspections to root out mold; and it offers vacuum cleaners to families who don’t have them. After one year of the program, the hospital readmission rate for young asthma patients dropped by over 80 percent and costs plunged as well. But empty beds meant lost revenue for the hospital (New Yorker, April 5).
Killer of abortion doctor gets 50 years in prison: Scott Roeder sentenced
The man who murdered an abortion doctor in the foyer of his Lutheran church in Kansas has been sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 50 years—the longest sentence possible u...
Reform rabbis more open to intermarriage: Calls for increased outreach and understanding
In a major shift, Reform rabbis have publicly acknowledged intermarriage as a given that calls for increased outreach and understanding, rather than as a threat to Jewish identity that must be resi...
Poverty ravages Zimbabwe, Christian students report: Power-sharing government brings scant relief
Poverty is so bad in Zimbabwe that students sometimes resort to prostitution to survive, says a new report by women in the country’s Student Christian Movement....
Liberal D.C. pastors torn in response to gay marriage: Conflicting loyalties
In the nation’s capital, it now would be legal for Mary Kay Totty to perform marriages of same-sex couples....
China: House churches must register: Government wants an accurate tally of Christians
The Chinese government’s new head of religious affairs has downplayed the role of house churches during his first official visit to Hong Kong, saying they must be registered with the government for...
Churches cheer agreement on reducing weapons: START treaty
When President Obama and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev met in Prague on April 8 to sign a new agreement on nuclear weapons, it marked one more step in the religious community’s long campaign to...
Williams apologizes after saying Irish Catholics 'lost all credibility' "A rare breach of ecumenical protocol": "A rare breach of ecumenical protocol"
The leader of the global Anglican Communion has been forced to apologize for claiming that the Catholic Church in Ireland had lost “all credibility” over the clerical child abuse scandal....
Pope names conservative Hispanic to succeed Cardinal Mahony in L.A. Opus Dei member Jose H. Gomez: Opus Dei member Jose H. Gomez
“This an epic moment in the life of the church,” exuded Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, the most populous U.S. Catholic archdiocese....
Clergy sex abuse scandal undermines Pope Benedict's crusade to reclaim Europe: Scandals mushrooming across the continent
Days after being elected pope, Pope Benedict XVI referred to one of Europe’s patron saints, Benedict of Nursia, as he explained his choice of papal name to thousands of pilgrims massed in St....
Obama bares his Christian soul: White House Easter breakfast
President Obama bared his soul before a cross section of Christian leaders at a White House Easter breakfast on April 6....
Reading life: Great books
I ordered Garrison Keillor’s Life among the Lutherans as soon as I heard about it. Who could resist a title like that? Besides, in a way, it is a description of my life....
Mystery of evil: Sin in the novels of P. D. James
The archbishop of Canterbury recently observed that “P. D....
Unequipped: A pastor's continuing education
“You are not equipped.” The preacher seemed to be looking straight at me. Across the worship space, in this room festively decorated in red and filled with the heady scent of flowers, I could see some uncertain faces. In a few minutes, we would go forward to be ordained as Lutheran pastors. Yet as the preacher set before us the charges of ordination, he continued to follow each one with the same stark pronouncement. “You are not equipped.”
Last things: A pastorate comes to a close
My last sermon at Covenant Baptist Church was on February 7, 2010. It was 20 years after the first sermon I preached for our community....
Decide and do: John 5:1-9
At one time I volunteered at an annex to a church where we collected mail for the homeless, dispensed sandwiches and snacks, helped with health issues, job hunting and so on....