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Briefly noted
A federal judge has rejected a motion filed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to dismiss a California lawsuit that challenges tax breaks that ministers can receive on housing....
The flotilla tragedy: A critical moment
There is no excuse or justification for the flotilla incident in which Israeli commandos boarded six ships bearing humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people in Gaza, sparking a violent confrontat...
When sin goes viral: A technological analogy
Adam is . . . scattered throughout the globe. Set in one place, he fell and, as it were, broken small, he has filled the whole world....
Tracking God: Karen Armstrong's religious vision
When A History of God hit the New York Times bestseller list, Karen Armstrong suddenly became the go-to commentator on religion. Bill Moyers calls her “one of the foremost, and most original, thinkers on religion in our modern world.” Why is she so widely read? The answer is not immediately clear. Her prose is often maddeningly dense and her points elusive. Her drive to comprehend religion leads her to be constantly comparing elements of different religious traditions, but the connections she draws are not always illuminating.
Habits of anti-Judaism: Critiquing a PCUSA report on Israel/Palestine
Old habits die hard. Despite numerous attempts by mainline Protestant denominations to promote historically informed studies of Judaism, repudiate supersessionist theologies and engage in conversations wth Jews, the old habit of bearing false witness against Jewish neighbors lives on. In recent years this practice has thrived especially in mainline Protestant statements on the Middle East.
Tales out of turn: On (mis)telling other people's stories
The challenge of telling other people’s stories is an occupational hazard for journalists, historians, memoirists, conflict mediators and even preachers....
Two church aid groups deny Afghan charges of proselytizing: Church World Service and a Norwegian aid group
Afghan officials have ordered two international church-backed humanitarian groups to suspend operations while they investigate allegations of illegal proselytizing, which the groups strongly deny.<...
Malawi president pardons engaged gay couple: Couple had been sentenced to 14 years hard labor
The president of Malawi, under pressure from UN and human rights groups, has pardoned a gay couple who were recently sentenced to 14 years’ imprisonment with hard labor after they became enga...
For first time, a majority sees gay relations as 'morally acceptable' Gallup started asking in 2001: Gallup started asking in 2001
A slight majority of Americans view gay or lesbian relations as morally acceptable—a first since Gallup pollsters started asking about the issue in 2001....
Episcopal head rejects a 'colonial' Anglicanism: Fighting words
Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has forcefully defended her church’s embrace of gays and lesbians and firmly rejected efforts to centralize power or police uniformity in ...
After flotilla incident, churches call for new Israeli policy on Gaza: Gaza called "a virtual prison"
The National Council of Churches, its key mainline members and other church organizations are calling for Israel to alter its policies on the Gaza Strip after an Israeli action against an internati...
Miss USA Rima Fakih, Muslim and modern: An interview
Rima Fakih’s path from Lebanon to Las Vegas, where she was crowned Miss USA, is not unlike other immigrant success stories, but she stands out because of one notable first: she is very likely...
House nixes amendment to allow chaplain to pray 'in Jesus' name' Amendment proposed by Michele Bachmann: Amendment proposed by Michele Bachmann
The House of Representatives has rejected a proposed amendment that would have allowed military chaplains to close public events with faith-specific prayers....
U.S. judge rules against graduation rites in church: Decision followed three years of student complaints
A federal judge has ruled that a Connecticut school board’s decision to hold graduation ceremonies inside a megachurch was unconstitutional....
Church support workers affected by gulf oil spill: General gloom and anger
As oil continues to spill into the Gulf of Mexico, churches and religious organizations along the Louisiana coast are providing food, money and support to parishioners whose livelihoods hang in the...
Cash-poor cathedral mulls selling treasures: Washington National Cathedral
Facing a reduced budget and a third round of layoffs, officials at Washington National Cathedral are considering disposing of priceless treasures—including a trove of rare books—that ar...
Washed in grace
It is by living and dying that one becomes a theologian, Martin Luther said....
Traveling light: Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Members of my household are preparing for a journey that will involve both regular and light backpacks....
The meaning of mercy: Luke 10:25-37
When a lawyer asks Jesus about eternal life, Jesus turns the question back to the lawyer, and the lawyer answers, citing scripture (Deuteronomy and Leviticus)....