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Poll: U.S. split on `Happy Holidays' vs. `Merry Christmas'
(RNS) While more than nine out of 10 Americans say they plan to
celebrate Christmas this year, they are divided on whether businesses...
Lutheran leader seeks Holy Communion agreement with Pope
Rome, December 16 (ENInews)--The president of the Lutheran World Federation, Bishop Munib Younan has said before meeting Pope Benedict XVI that their churches should issue a common statement on Hol...
Religious leaders join White House in Dream Act push
WASHINGTON (RNS) Religious leaders joined White House officials
Thursday (Dec. 16) in urging the Senate to pass the DREAM Act, calling...
Dutch synod looks to mend historic Protestant splits
A gathering to improve relations between the many Protestant
denominations in the Netherlands recently took place on the site of an...
Hate groups hate being called hate groups
The Southern Poverty Law Center has added several antigay organizations to its list of hate groups, citing their "demonizing propaganda" and "propagation of known falsehoods." SPLC Intelligence Pro...
Decide or discern
The prevalence of the language and practice of discernment owes much to the larger movement of what Diana Butler Bass has termed "retraditioning" as well as a renewed focus on spiritual practices....
A second spring
Much media attention has gone to Venezuela. But leftist regimes have sprouted elsewhere in Latin America--regimes that are friendly with liberationist thinkers and communities.
Republicans join FRC in ad countering hate group listing
WASHINGTON (RNS) The Family Research Council, joined by prominent
Republican allies, is mounting an aggressive defense to a decision by...
Swiss urged to continue to allow Mormon missionaries
WASHINGTON (RNS) Thirteen members of Congress are urging Swiss
authorities to allow Mormon missionaries to continue serving beyond...
Update: British group withdraws invite to Fla. pastor
LONDON (RNS) A right-wing political group that had asked a
controversial Florida pastor to appear at an anti-Islam demonstration...
Mary appeared thrice in Wisconsin, bishop says
In 1859, a Wisconsin farm woman recounted three mystical meetings
with the Virgin Mary, who told her to pray for the conversion of sinners
and teach children the Catholic faith....
Back to Narnia
Aside from the Bible, The Chronicles
of Narnia have been the most formative books in my life. My parents hung a...
Does the manger matter?
The Bible gets four shots to tell Jesus’ birth — well, four gospel writers plus Paul and the other epistle writers, so at least four....
A review of Take Our Moments and Our Days
This second volume of Take Our Moments and Our Days covers the liturgical year from Advent through Pentecost....
Changing culture leads to decline in Baptist revivalism, historians say
ATLANTA (ABP) -- The real culprit behind declining baptisms in the
Southern Baptist Convention might be youth soccer, says historian Bill
Eerie similarities in Portland, Baltimore bombing suspects
PORTLAND, Ore. (RNS) On Nov. 27, a young Muslim named Antonio Martinez
phoned a friend in a panic.
The two men had spent weeks planning to bomb a military recruiting...
Muslim women at center of suits over hajj, headscarves
(RNS) The federal government has filed suit against an Illinois
school district for not allowing a Muslim teacher to make the hajj...
Muslims not laughing at businessman's attempt at humor
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (RNS) It was all a joke, says Chuck Biddinger, a
small business owner in Roebuck, Ala., whose outdoor sign last week...
Bulgarian priests join union over late paychecks
SOFIA, Bulgaria (RNS/ENInews) The decision by Bulgarian Orthodox
priests to join a trade union because they haven't been paid on time has...