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Bill Cunningham New York
This invigorating documentary offers a
poignant portrait of a life devoted to the pursuit of beauty. Cunningham, a photographer who documents fashion in his
long-running New York Times column, is both an artist and a social commentator, though far too modest to describe himself as either.
Presbyterians do turnaround on gay clergy
Few experts in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) were predicting that 2011 would see the denomination dropping its three-decade opposition to ordaining gay and lesbian clergy....
Same-sex complementarity: A theology of marriage
No conservative I know has seriously argued that same-sex couples need sanctification any less than opposite-sex couples do.
The limits of explanation
Last year Professor Bart Ehrman of the University of North Carolina cranked out yet another book, God’s Problem. Dr. Ehrman breathlessly announces that he has discovered that God has a big problem – suffering.
Ehrman dismisses various futile attempts on the part of God to explain
why there is suffering, pain, and disaster in the world – the Book of
Job, Ecclesiastes, and Jesus.
The Spirit of Vatican II, by Colleen McDannell
Colleen McDannell confesses that integrating family history with scholarship is not for the faint of heart....
Sunday, May 22, 2011: Acts 7:55–60; John 14:1–14
I love interfaith gatherings, but I would never invite Stephen.
Update: Jewish paper apologizes for cropping out Clinton
JERUSALEM (RNS) An ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper in Brooklyn has
apologized to the White House and State Department after the paper...
Chaplains say Navy wedding policy confuses a fraught debate
WASHINGTON (RNS) A recent Navy memo that would permit military chaplains
to officiate at same-sex marriage ceremonies upon repeal of the...
Muslims battle to be official voice of U.S. Islam
(RNS) As president of the Phoenix-based American Islamic Forum for
Democracy, an eight-year-old group that twins conservative and Islamic...
Awards and a nomination
We're very pleased that indie-press digest Utne Reader nominated the Century for a 2011 Utne Independent Press Award
in the "body/spirit" category.
The Daily Show's limits
"Open conversation that leads to nothing." That's how Jon Stewart summed up his interview with popular right-wing historian David Barton. He was right: After 30 minutes of glib back-and-forth with Barton (ten of which made it onto TV), Stewart was flummoxed, worn down, unfunny.
Growing youth
The most hopeful message in Greenhouses of Hope is
implicit: your church doesn't have to be large, suburban, white or
wealthy--or even to have an established youth program--in order for
ministry with young people to flourish.
Episcopal future: Is Anglican reconciliation possible?
The Episcopal Church is in the position of striving to be both fully inclusive at home and a
fully accountable part of the Anglican Communion. Can this seeming
paradox be resolved?
Japan's churches urged to work together after "triple disaster"
Seoul, South Korea, May 9 (ENInews)--Japan's churches and Christian councils should establish a consortium to respond to the devastating 11 March earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant acciden...
Muslims hope bias ends with bin Laden's death
PATERSON, N.J. (RNS) Hours after Osama bin Laden's death was announced,
the American Arab Forum received a phone call. The person on the line...
Jewish newspaper erases Clinton from photo
(RNS) An ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper in Brooklyn deleted Secretary
of State Hillary Rodham Clinton from a White House photograph of top...
Jesuit to become chaplain of the House
(RNS) A Jesuit will be sworn in as the 60th chaplain of the House of
Representatives on May 25, when he will become the first member of his...
After seminary, `Lost Boy' headed back to Sudan
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (RNS) It has been more than two decades since Deng
Alier fled war in his homeland. Now, armed with a master's degree in...