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UCC affirms Common Agreement on baptism
At its biennial General Synod in July in Tampa, Florida, the United Church of Christ became the latest historic Reformed church to formally approve the Common Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of...
Churches seek new life under new names
For Living Faith Lutheran Church, the name change was as much about the future as the past....
A time to spend
"In these tough times, Americans are tightening their belts—and their
government needs to do the same." This bipartisan applause line is pithy, full of populist empathy and easy to
understand. It's also exactly wrong.
Bloggers buzz over Murdoch as ‘Bible mogul’
The scandal involving Rupert Mur doch's British tabloid empire brought scrutiny to, of all places, western Michigan and the Zondervan publishing company....
Compass and yeast
Thomas Merton's conversion to Catholicism is among the most celebrated of the last century. But to which kind of Catholicism did Merton convert?
One way to change the conversation
A new Century editorial argues that unemployment, not the budget deficit,...
The Dead Saint, by Marilyn Brown Oden
The Dead Saint is a big Ludlumesque, Dan Brown-ish terror novel saturated with a pronounced, take-sides morality....
Unexpected grief: Elegy for a border collie
On February 23, Libya was convulsed in civil revolt. Oil prices spiked, and stock values plummeted. Meanwhile, in
New Jersey, a dog was euthanized. God
forgive me, but it is this last event that I will remember.
Campus Crusade switches its name to ‘Cru’
Campus Crusade for Christ is out. "Cru" is in. The 60-year-old evangelical ministry recently announced its new name, saying the old name had become problematic....
How rich is rich enough?
If you want a window into what has happened economically in
the United States the last 30 years, consider the case of Dean Foods, a leading
U.S. dairy company.
God intrudes
Graham Standish wrote in one of his books about the typical church
meeting. The committee or governing board gathers. Someone offers a...
Learning curve
Male mainline Protestants can celebrate what we learn from our female colleagues: that our
own sense of ordained ministry is unthinkable without them.
Sunday, July 31, 2011: Genesis 32:22-31
Even a painful cheap shot cannot shake Jacob's resolve.
Rupert Murdoch, papal knight
As British authorities look into the cellphone
hacking scandal surrounding the global media empire of Rupert Murdoch,...
Rais Bhuiyan's impact
Last month I posted about Rais Bhuiyan, the Muslim hate crime victim who is advocating that his attacker, who shot Bhuiyan as part of a post-9/11 shoo...
Turning out voters
Photo ID requirements not only act as a de facto poll tax; they address a virtually nonexistent problem. Concerns about voter fraud are wildly overblown.
Unintended messages
Those of us who no longer live in oral cultures may have
lost respect for storytelling as a vehicle of moral authority. Just give us the
facts, ma'am. We're data people, and we like it in writing. For us the
parabolic arts may be fine entertainment, but they're an unnecessarily messy
way of getting at the truth.