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Adopt a settlement: Christian Zionists and the West Bank
At American synagogues, Israeli settlement leader Ron Nachman gets a lot of questions. At churches he gets big checks.
Voices of 2011
"I Used to Be Afraid . . . I Became an Egyptian.''-- sign (in Arabic) seen in Tahrir Square in Cairo during protests that led to the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak's regime...
The three days of Timkat
For many early Christians, only at the moment of Jesus' baptism was he suddenly overwhelmed by the power of divinity.
Paul's powerful metaphor
Metaphor is essential to grasping the divine/human character of God. Nowhere is metaphor used more compellingly than by the apostle Paul, especially in his use of the word "adoption" as a metaphor for God's loving grace.
The most popular Century articles of the year
Here are the Century magazine articles that were most popular online this year. Thanks for reading.
Put away: Solitary confinement
The Geneva Convention forbids excessive use of solitary confinement. Yet the U.S. persists in using it as punishment.
Twelve charged in Amish beard-cutting attacks
Federal prosecutors have expanded their case against members of a
breakaway Amish sect for their roles in shaving the hair and beards of...
Wisdom become flesh, spirit roars, life transformed
God's all-encompassing love enters the world in the
person of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Spirit.
Little Boots
The blind kitten I adopted seemed to walk by faith instead of sight—the perfect companion to take to divinity school.
Turning discourse into slogans
recently heard a panel discussion in which the conversation turned to the sorry
state of American political discourse, which too often descends into...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison, by Martin E. Marty
Though some of his admirers may find it difficult to believe now,
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was not widely known in the years immediately
following World War II, save perhaps as one of a band of courageous
pastors and theologians in Germany who resisted the Nazi regime of Adolf
Saved by Tintin
One has only to look at Tintin, his round face animated by the simplest imaginable features, to know that he is the ultimate Boy Scout.