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Friday digest
New today from the Century: Stephanie Paulsell on saints and doubters, MaryAnn McKibben Dana on deep acting in ministry, more.
Faulty assumptions
I entered divinity school assuming that Christians ought to believe something is seriously wrong with the world. But I also loved the world.
Neither Obama nor Romney? Some Christians vote for 'None of the Above'
Is it a sin not to vote? Or perhaps a virtue?...
Billy Graham faces backlash over Mormon 'cult' removal
The Rev. Samuel Wynn admired Billy Graham and his evangelistic association for decades, joining its spiritual crusades and urging fellow Christians to do the same. But no more....
Mormon missionary applications soar by 471 percent
Mormon apostle Jeffrey R. Holland predicted that lowering the age limits for young Mormon missionaries would trigger a "dramatic" uptick in their numbers....
Family Research Council shooter charged with terrorism
WASHINGTON (RNS) A federal grand jury added terrorism to the list of charges faced by the Virginia man who was indicted in the shooting of a security guard at the conservative Family Research Counc...
DNA experiment yields great promise and high ethical risks
PORTLAND, Ore. (RNS) Future generations could be stripped of mutations like hereditary blindness or maternal diabetes, after a breakthrough study at Oregon Health & Science University....
McGovern was Methodist advocate of Social Gospel
To most American voters in 1972, Democratic presidential nominee Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota was way too liberal on many issues—and he was beaten badly by incumbent Richard Nixon....
Nones I have known
We hear a lot about the "nones" these days: Americans who claim no connection to any particular faith. We'll hear a lot more too, as recent studies document this ever-expanding slice of the American demographic pie. We hear less, however, about the nones as individuals. But like any pastor, I’ve known more than a few in my time. At 20 percent of society, they are literally everybody's friends and neighbors.
Where I've been
I've participated in a few writing projects that I need to let you know about.
Ryan gives a speech, ostensibly about poverty
First of all, I'm genuinely glad to see Paul Ryan talking at length about poverty, as he did ...
Thursday digest
New today from the Century: John Buchanan's faulty assumptions, nones Daniel Schultz has known, more.
The Book of Mormon Girl, by Joanna Brooks
When people who don’t know a lot about American Christianity hear that I am Mennonite, they sometimes ask if it’s the same as being Mormon. No, I say, and add a stock reply: other than starting with the same letter of the alphabet and being inscrutable to outsiders, the groups are quite different.
After reading Joanna Brooks’s memoir The Book of Mormon Girl, I will no longer answer with such alacrity.
Our ragged church: A homeless mission in the city
I once nailed the doors of my church shut. I needed to keep a burglar out who'd been looking for something to huff. Still, it seemed so antigospel.
A Russian beef with Apple
Some Orthodox Christians in Russia have taken issue with Apple’s logo recently, seeing an anti-Christian symbol for humanity’s original sin in the image of a bitten fruit.
It’s hard to believe that Apple execs conspired with their graphic designers to offend Christians, but these Russian conservatives got me thinking. If we did assign significance to the Apple logo, what might it mean?
God doesn't cause rape
Debates about abortion aren’t typically in my wheelhouse, but reflecting on God’s activity in the world is....
Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: A pastor nails her church's doors shut, exegeting the Apple logo, God doesn't cause rape.
The African mainstream
The vast majority of Africa's christians belong to familiar, mainstream denominations. But scholars give more attention to the minority.
Why is Billy Graham so involved in the 2012 elections?
After years of shunning the partisan political spotlight, is Billy Graham a born-again Republican?...
Jews rally around woman arrested for praying at Western Wall
JERUSALEM (RNS) Jews from Manhattan to Mozambique held prayer vigils on Monday (Oct....