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Preaching the news: Texts for preaching
In addition to the biblical text, the most important material for me tends to come from our context and from what I discern in the lives, community and world around us.
Evangelicals see promise in immigration proposal
A coalition of evangelical leaders who hope to shape national immigration reform is expressing cautious optimism about a bipartisan Senate bill....
Not the kingdom?
At a conference on theology and politics at Wheaton College earlier this month, a speaker described a world run by economic elites who pursue their own interests. These elites dominate both political parties in the United States, he noted.
In the question-and-answer period, a student at the evangelical college asked what then should be done, given such an oppressive system. The speaker advised the student not to put much hope in electoral politics.
Thursday digest
New today from the Century: Richard Lischer on the life of a book, what else Heidi Neumark reads for help with preaching, more.
Why background checks got blocked in the Senate
Sometimes when a vote doesn't go the way you want, you just have to sigh and remind yourself that this is how democracy works. Other times you have to wish that it actually did work.
The overwhelming majority of Americans support background checks for gun buyers. No matter.
Old Testament
The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn’t Say about Human Origins, by Peter Enns....
Mad desires
How can we imagine a world that counters the one that the Don Drapers helped create?
George Beverly Shea, the voice of Billy Graham crusades, dies at 104
c. 2013 Religion News Service...
Conversations that inspire: Texts for preaching
Life is a sermon. Whenever I grab my pen and legal pad, I view myself as a chronicler of the beauty, tragedy, humor, anxiety and ultimate hope that characterize the Christian life. There is a wide range of regular sources for inspiration and example.
Learning from the anti-dueling movement
Alexander Hamilton’s 1804 death in a duel galvanized popular opposition. We need a similar campaign around gun violence.
"He was from Saudi Arabia, which is around where the logic stops."
In the immediate aftermath of the bombing in Boston, an injured marathon spectator was tackled by another bystander and then taken into police custody. His apartment was searched. Read Amy Davidson's post.
Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: Kathryn Reklis on Mad Men, Randall Balmer on dueling and gun control, more.
Tax or fee? Pastors push back against city's 'annual registration fee'
c. 2013 St. Louis Post-Dispatch...
Sunday, April 28, 2013: John 13:31-35
The people in an Ohio county were angry with the area’s red foxes because they had eaten some of the people’s domestic chickens and many of the wild quail....
The rest of the story
Everyone knew the family's problems, but there was never a word of judgment or even pity. The congregation was just being the church.