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An Idea Whose Time Has Come, by Todd S. Purdum
Todd Purdum's work of journalistic history on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is ultimately a story about politicians doing the right thing.
Why the PC(USA) can grow because of marriage equality
During this General Assembly, the PC(USA) made some historic moves....
Turnaround: How dying churches can find new life
c. 2014 Religion News Service
(RNS) For years, a handful of members of Hillview Baptist Church in Franklin, Tenn., prayed their pews would be filled with worshippers....
How I found faith
When I was four years old, our family moved to southern Nevada. I grew up in the desert. I walked through the desert each day to get to school....
Other people saying things
"When a teacher briefly focuses attention on a particular student, it comes with the heat and intensity of a spotlight. ...
Birthdaying alone
This week, I keep seeing this video everywhere (I think my H/T goes to Know More but it's hard to remember these days).
Christians killing Christians
Philip Jenkins vividly synthesizes a specialized historiography: World War I as a global religious conflict.
Mormon higher-ups hold keys to excommunication process against two activists
c. 2014 Salt Lake Tribune...
Archbishop pressed on his knowledge of crime
It was supposed to be a happy day for Archbishop Robert J. Carlson. June 10 marked the fifth anniversary of his installation as Shepherd of Roman Catholics in St. Louis....
Gay marriage ban challenged in North Dakota
North Dakota recently became the last of 31 states to have its ban on same-sex marriage challenged as unconstitutional....
Sacrificed for what?
Sacrifice has real moral resonance—but it can also be exploited. In Iraq, past sacrifices don't offer a guide for U.S. policy.
Getting under our skin
I paced back and forth in a frenetic circle at the foot of my bed. Holding my cell, I concentrated on each syllable coming from the headphones....
The pastor with broken wings
One of the things that any pastor of a congregation has to do is visit people where they live. The church I serve has a number of folks who are either in nursing homes or assisted living.
Some pastors love visiting with people.
"You are as alive as anybody else"
If you’ve heard of The Fault in Our Stars, the recently released movie based on John Green’s bestselling book, you’ve probably heard that it’s about teenagers with cancer....
The Death Class, by Erika Hayasaki
Erika Hayasaki, having reported on a succession of traumatic events, read about a popular university class on death. She decided to enroll.
Kenya's religious leaders demand government response to deadly terror attack
c. 2014 Religion News Service...