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Sunday, November 30, 2014: Isaiah 64:1-9; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37
No one likes the thought of an angry God. It's hard enough to deal with an angry person.
A book review of Radical Jesus: A Graphic History of Faith
This is a book for those that are seeking to embody the radical witness of Jesus for their own time, recalibrating their own lives in light of the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus’ example of solidarity with the oppressed. If you, or anyone you know, is looking to be inspired by both the past and present witness of Jesus in the world, and if you would appreciate it communicated through creative and beautiful artwork testifying to God’s Church making visible the Kingdom of God, then Radical Jesus is for you!
Leaning in, church style
A longtime parishioner came by to visit me in my office a few days ago....
Here, There and Everywhere, Anthony Molinaro
Many Beatles tribute discs fail because the vocalists or players aren’t up to the task....
Narcissism is normal
David McCullough Jr.’s view of narcissism is a familiar one among the professional classes. As an angle on our age, Elizabeth Lunbeck finds it blinding.
Ferguson-area churches, other cities, prepare for reaction to grand jury report on police officer
(The Christian Science Monitor) As the nation waits to learn the legal fate of Officer Darren Wilson—whether or not a grand jury will recomme...
Federal court of appeals reverses judge’s decision on clergy housing taxes
A federal court of appeals rejected a case brought by an atheist organization that would have declared tax-exempt clergy housing allowances unconstitutional....
National cathedral hosts Muslim prayer service
(The Christian Science Monitor) Prayer carpets for a Muslim Jumu’ah service were spread out in a transept wing of the Washington National Cat...
The war against rest
"Remember the sabbath" is a costly commandment. Our culture’s assault on it extends far beyond Sunday.
Ministry sucks sometimes
Ministry sucks sometimes.
Days can be filled with clerical tedium, with the immense needs of others, in meetings in which petty items are discussed ad nauseum, or in pastoral discussions about deep, fundamental questions of human existence. Many days pastors experience all of these. These are exhausting but they don’t suck.
Lamb and shepherd
Ezekiel 34:21-22 provides a particularly poignant image of God the shepherd’s care for the “least of these”:
Because you pushed with flank and shoulder, and butted at all the weak animals with your horns until you scattered them far and wide, I will save my flock, and they shall no longer be ravaged.
Reading these verses reminds me of a day several years ago, when our family visited a local petting zoo in Atlanta.
Gabriel: A Poem, by Edward Hirsch
Hirsch writes a book-length lament in verse for his son, who died at age 22 from a drug overdose. Gabriel was diagnosed with one mental disorder after another....
The court after Hobby Lobby: Religious freedom expert Brent Walker
“Many religious liberty accommodations will have absolutely no effect on the rights of third parties. Those are easier cases.”
God sightings
We recently added a new element to our weekly order of service. God-sightings, it is called....
Other people saying things
"For nearly 100 years, Mississippi was a white supremacist police state....
Karen Armstrong on religion and violence
(RNS) In the West, the idea that religion is inherently violent is taken for granted by everyone from academics to cab drivers, says British religion scholar Karen Armstrong, the former ...
Gold, by Barbara Crooker
Barbara Crooker enters the shades and brush strokes of daily life with such reverence that readers want to take notice, live better, and die better.
In wake of Ferguson, a bid to make St. Louis a more ‘compassionate’ city
c. 2014 St. Louis Post-Dispatch
ST. LOUIS (RNS) Some might argue that if there is one thing this city could use more of right now, it’s compassion....
Showers for homeless being built in St. Peter’s Square
c. 2014 Religion News Service
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Showers for the homeless will soon be located under the sweeping white colonnade of St. Peter’s Square....