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Was the New Deal Christian?
There are some advantages to teaching online. Often instructors complain that the online format robs them of give-and-take moments with students. But given the current size of many history survey sections—50, 90, 300, even 500 people—how realistic is it to expect those real-time opportunities for conversation? Online threaded discussions are often more substantive, inclusive, and productive than the traditional classroom format.
Question: Why must we still talk about race? Answer: 12
I’m reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Between the World and Me right now. It’s a dissonant experience because the language in the book is exquisite, and the truth of it is tough and hard.
I’m also reading Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns, about the Great Migration of African Americans from the South to northern cities such as Chicago, Cleveland, and Washington, D.C., in the early 20th century.
ISIS recruiters cause concern in Kurdish town in Turkey
(The Christian Science Monitor) White-on-black Islamic calligraphy still adorns the establishment that the self-described Islamic Stat...
August 23, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time: John 6:56-69
In our Gospel text, some of Jesus’ disciples find his teaching hard. Eating his body? Drinking his blood? I didn’t sign up for this. Couldn’t I just pray for you?
Ready for communion: Living in holy space
Sacramentality is the breath of Christian life—life that springs from the sacraments and life that yearns to return to them.
Why we don't like Donald Trump and what that means for the church
So, I realize I’m using the Royal "We" here. Obviously, some people like Donald Trump, because he’s polling quite well....
James Holmes didn't get off easy
My article in the current issue examines an ongoing challenge for death-penalty opponents: abolishing ...
A year after Ferguson, a practical theology emerges around Black Lives Matter
c. 2015 Religion News Service...
Pope Francis on the anniversary of the bomb: 'A lasting warning to humanity'
c. 2015 Religion News Service...
Toronto's 'atheist minister' to face church trial
c. 2015 Religion News Service
TORONTO (RNS) An ordained minister of Canada’s largest Protestant denomination is facing dismissal because she is an atheist....
Do polls reveal God's honest truth about American religion? No, but they still count
c. 2015 Religion News Service...
A nice person, and racist
At my last congregation, I often preached at a small Saturday evening service in our chapel. I came to call it, affectionately, the "early edition." One of the occasional attendees was a nice older woman who I came to know pretty well. Sometimes she came early and we had an opportunity to visit.
Did I mention she is very nice?
Power without accountability
If Congress kills the Iran deal, it will leave Obama unable to fulfill his duties as head of state. Yet legislators won't be the ones remembered for the failure.
Saving the Original Sinner, by Karl W. Giberson
Karl Giberson offers a cultural history of the Bible's first human. It's an intriguing and unsettling story.
Misfits in the suburbs
"Why go to the city?" asked one of Bec Cranford-Smith's seminary professors. "There are enough new churches there."
Beyond do's and don'ts
In my Bible, this week's reading from Ephesians bears the title, "Rules for the New Life." The text reads like a laundry list of more or less unrelated instructions. Put away falsehood. Speak the truth, be angry but don't sin, and do not make room for the devil. Give up stealing and work honestly. Speak only what is useful for building up; do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Put away bitterness, anger, slander, and malice.
Despair, the multiverse, and faith
Every week or so, I google and #hashtag-search my way through the collective consciousness of our species, looking for new writings/ findings/research into multiverse cosmology. Ever since writing my little tome on how this new theory of everything plays with my faith, I've kept up with where things are going on that front and where things are trending. It's good to keep track of all the pertinent datapoints, which I file away neatly on Facebook for future reference.
There's a peculiar thread that runs through the more recent writing on the subject. It feels like, for lack of a better word, despair.
Pope Francis says the church must welcome divorced and remarried Catholics
c. 2015 Religion News Service...