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Out in front
A good biography, expertly researched and finely crafted, conveys not just the trajectory of someone’s life but also a feeling for th...
Beyond the River: The Untold Story of the Heroes of the Underground Railroad
What was life like for Kentucky slaves who lived so close to the Ohio River that they could see freed...
Edifice complex? Sublime architecture: Sublime architecture
Scripture assures us that “we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” But pastors and lay leaders end up spending a lot of time fussing with the church struc...
Changing the subject: Unity in the midst of strife
This is the season when church bodies convene and contend over the issue of homosexuality....
Century Marks
Jesus du jour: “Every era gets the Jesus it wants,” claims Susannah Heschel....
Overcompensation: CEOs and corporate greed
Ten years ago, even five years ago, the American market economy was the model for and the envy of the world....
Let's talk theology: How divided are United Methodists?
In 2001, representatives of the Confessing and the Good News movements and representatives of the Reconciling Ministries Network and the Clergy Alliance for a Professing Church came to DePauw Unive...
Shameful images stir painful reflections: Abu Ghraib
Vietnam veteran John Smathers and his wife, Judy, knelt at the altar rail at the Falls Church, a 272-year-old faith community at which George Washington once prayed, just outside the nation’s capit...
Church leaders, UN chief discuss Iraq: Greater UN involvement needed
Hours before President Bush addressed the nation on his plans for a June 30 transfer of power in Iraq, church leaders met with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to support a larger role f...
Texas flip-flop: UUA is church after all: Unitarian Universalists win tax exemption
The Unitarian Univeralist Association prides itself on having no official creed and boasting an unorthodox mix of religious beliefs....
Unitarians in midst of gay wedding marathon: In Massachusetts
Gay couples lined up for a 12-hour wedding marathon at Boston’s Arlington Street Church on May 20 as a week of wedding fever reached its apex for Massachusetts Unitarians....
Bishop warns city on 'cooperation with evil' Gay marriage in Worchester, Massachusetts: Gay marriage in Worchester, Massachusetts
The new Catholic bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts, has declared that city officials or town clerks who are Catholic and approve gay civil marriages are “involving themselves in cooperation with e...
Rising belief in hell, angels, heaven, devil: A Gallup poll
While the portion of Americans who believe in God has remained relatively steady at upward of 90 percent, increasing numbers of Americans also believe in heaven, hell, angels and the devil, a new G...
Catholic Democrats assail some bishops: Communion ban "deeply hurtful"
Catholic lawmakers who resent being targeted by bishops for their support of abortion rights have fired back, with one suggesting that prelates who wade too deeply into politics may risk their tax-...
Data bite: Religious radio stations
The number of religious radio stations in the U.S. grew by 6 percent from 2002 to 2003, a recent Arbitron report shows....
Pastor resigns after admitting plagiarism: Sermons found on the Internet
A pastor in Keene, New Hampshire, has resigned after preaching sermons found on the Internet and consequently confessing to plagiarism. Robert C....
Lesbian minister to remain on leave: Karen Dammann
The lesbian United Methodist minister who was acquitted on charges that she violated a ban on “self-avowed practicing” gay clergy will remain on family leave for another year, a church official sai...