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A careful read: Matthew 18:15-20
These six verses of Matthew do not mean that if two or three people agree on something, then they can ignore others and do whatever they want.
Lesson plans
Creators of a Bible curriculum used in 1,000 U.S. public schools claim that "The Bible in History and Literature" is a nonsectarian course, when the truth is that it presents a distinct theological perspective. Discussions of science are based on nonscientific literature; archaeological findings "prove" the Bible’s complete historical accuracy. One chapter describes the U.S. as a historically Christian nation and suggests that it needs to reclaim that heritage.
The Aquinas industry
A striking aspect of contemporary Protestant theology is the amount of interest shown in the great medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas, who was long regarded as the champion of rationalism and the “...
American heresies
It is not a new question, but it is one that presses in on us with ever greater urgency: what ...
The Renewal of Generosity
Both doctors and patients are demoralized these days, says Arthur Frank, though neither group is aware of what the ...
The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics
This collection of 36 individual contributions treats numerous moral issues from the perspective of what might be termed liturgical et...
The Jesus Creed/Loving Jesus
Two bible scholars have weighed in with books that emphasize love as the heart of our life with God—a s...
"Want to see my AK-47?"What?! I thought. "Are those things even legal Bob?" He had multiple and seemingly contradictory answers ready. "Oh yeah. It's only got a 10-bullet clip. It's made in China. Plus I got it at a gun show."
An evangelical imperative: Christian unity
George Lindbeck’s thoughtful reflections in this issue on the state of ecumenism set me to ruminating on my own ecumenical experience....
Dance of deception: Blaming the Muslim world
Among the messages of sympathy that poured into London following the July 7 bombings were condolences from the governments of Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iran, Turkey—all nations with majo...
The terror within: Responding to London's bombings
After 9/11 Americans asked: Why do they hate us?—they being shadowy extremists from the Middle East....
Century Marks
Some of the CEOs accused of unethical business practices are also “born-again” Christians: Richard Scrushy of HealthSouth, Ken Lay of Enron and Bernard Ebbers of WorldCom. How did they justify actions that are unethical, if not criminal? Robert S. McElvaine (Chicago Tribune, July 17) explains that while Hindus believe in karma—what one does in this life matters for the next life, some Christians believe all you need to do is "accept Jesus and then you can do whatever the hell you want."
Decision time for mainline Lutherans: ELCA considering same-sex blessings
The nation’s largest Lutheran denomination will finally speak with a collective voice this month on whether to allow gay and lesbian pastors and on whether same-sex couples may receive rites of ble...
Canadian Lutherans reject same-sex blessings: Local option turned down
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada has turned down a proposed resolution that would have given congregations a “local option” to conduct blessings for same-sex unions....
Conservative, popular judge named for court: Roberts reputed to be brilliant litigator
President Bush nominated a strong conservative, federal appellate judge John Roberts, to replace retiring moderate justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court....
Catholics on watch for faith 'test' of nominee: Groups to guard against derailment of Roberts nomination
Catholic groups say they will guard against any attempt to use religious faith to derail the nomination of Judge John Roberts, a mass-going Catholic, to the U.S. Supreme Court....