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Royal treatment
I never meant to burn any bridges,” Neil Young sings in “One of These Days” in Jonathan Demme’s movie Neil Young: Heart of Gold....
The file on Benedict
The following materials, all of which appeared before Joseph Ratzinger became Benedict XVI, are essential background for understanding the pope....
Shame on us: Some means can never be justified
I am unapologetically patriotic by temperament and upbringing....
Modern martyrs: Forgiveness and peace are the only way
If, as Tertullian taught, the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church, in a liberal society church growth has to find its inspiration elsewhere....
Century Marks
Jonathan Tasini, a Jew who is running for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate, says that U.S. Jews must speak out about American foreign policy on Israel. He believes "there will only be a just peace agreement when a Palestinian state—a strong, vibrant, prosperous, independent state, able to provide jobs and a good life for its people—thrives alongside Israel.” (
A fair tax: How Bush's policy falls short
Americans are, or at least claim to be, a Christian people. Almost 80 percent of us, including President Bush, practice Christianity in some form....
Death of a people: Genocide in northern Uganda
The worst place on earth to be a child today is northern Uganda. The suffering is far worse than in Darfur in duration, magnitude and long-term consequences....
Widest-ever ecumenical forum: Christian Churches Together U.S.A.
With two historically black churches now on board, the nation’s largest ecumenical vehicle—Christian Churches Together U.S.A.—is ready to roll....
Mainline worries about dearth of young pastors: Fewer than 5 percent under 35
At the end of April, a new TV ad financed by the Episcopal Church will show 30-something Paige Blair of Maine talking casually about how during tough times, church provides her “some solace and per...
Methodists see more no-growth churches: The one number that keeps going up
“There is one number in our denomination that keeps going up,” observed Michael Coyner, a United Methodist bishop in Indiana and president of his church’s national Board of Discipleship....
Canadian priests, nuns rap Vatican's rigidity: Challenging "intransigent stands on sexual morals"
Mincing few words, an umbrella group representing 22,000 Roman Catholic monks, nuns and priests in Canada’s religious orders has challenged the “intransigent” stands of the Vatican on such issues a...
Georgia may OK school Bible classes: Elective courses in public high schools
Georgia’s legislature, with both major parties approving, has overwhelmingly passed a bill to fund elective Bible courses in public high schools....
Imperial Nature: Joy tempered by mourning
Church leaders in many parts of the world, including General Secretary Samuel Kobia of the World Council of Churches, expressed relief and joy at the freeing of three members of Christian Peacemake...
Afghan Christian averts death for apostasy as Italy grants asylum: American Muslims insist death for apostates not mandated
After a week of intense lobbying by Western governments for his release, Abdul Rahman, an Afghan who faced the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity, arrived in Italy, where he re...
No comparison: A chaplain's view of torture
When war causes us to suppress our deepest religious and moral convictions, we cave in to a “higher religion” called war. Yes, there is beauty in patriotism, in its unselfishness and love of country. But this beauty makes for what Reinhold Niebuhr called the “ethical paradox in patriotism”—a tendency to transmute individual unselfishness into national egoism. When this happens, the critical attitude of the individual is squelched, permitting the nation to use “power without moral constraint.”
Lame excuse: Pastors and parishioners
One night over burgers and some libation, a seminary classmate declared, “Theology and exegesis won’t matter once you’re in the parish....
Fresh evidence: U.S. and the Israel lobby
John Mearsheimer, an expert in international relations at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, academic dean of Harvard University’s John F....
Hooked on war: The psychology of car sales
Sixteen toy Model A Fords greet me each day in my study. In the 1927 model, modest headlights are connected by a straight bar. Its symbolic straight face is noncommittal....