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Jewish seminary opens door to gay students: "In keeping with Jewish tradition of pluralism"
Openly gay students who want to serve as rabbis or cantors in Conservative Judaism are now welcome at the Jewish Theological Seminary, school officials said in New York....
Book culls from decade of spiritual thinking on PBS program: The Life of Meaning
A new book based on interviews from the PBS program Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly finds a spiritual hunger beneath the secular veneer of modern culture, with many searching for som...
Proctor & Gamble wins 'Satan' suit: Judgment against Amway distributors
For those needing any more reasons to discount the decades-old rumor that one of America’s largest and oldest consumer products companies is in league with Satan, a federal jury recently provided a...
Protestant groups ask African Union to step into Zimbabwe crisis: Ever-worsening government suppression
Two global groupings of Protestant churches have urged the African Union to intervene in the crisis in Zimbabwe, where President Robert Mugabe’s government has cracked down on opposition protests a...
Income gap in Russia endangers stability, church forum says: Poverty in a resource-rich country
Russia has climbed to No....
Briefly noted
The Roman Catholic Church will investigate a life-saving miracle attributed to the late Pope John Paul I, bringing the pontiff who served only 33 days in 1978 one step closer to possible sai...
Newsworthy: Bill Moyers on journalism and democracy
Throughout his career in print and broadcast journalism, Bill Moyers has blended a passionate interest in the workings of politics with a strong interest in religion....
Punch lines: Habits of friendship and community
Laughter was a hallmark of my family’s life as I grew up....
Rice's mission: Making demands on Israel too
When Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice traveled to the Middle East in late March, she took along a plan to provide both Israeli and Palestinian leaders with “a political horizon.” The plan, says ...
Pitching dreams: Prosperity thinking
When I was nine years old I dreamed of being Bobby Feller. I forget about that dream for long stretches, but then something comes back to remind me of it. Recently that something was Tyler Kepner’s profile of Feller in the March 7 New York Times. I learned that at age 88 Feller still suits up every day, and that he is often called a hero because of his World War II service. He responds to this term by saying, "Heroes don’t come home; survivors come home." What good did that baseball dream do? For one thing, it's a bracing alternative to the dream talk that afflicts us now.
What about Dorcas?: Acts 9:36-43
I was looking through a high school yearbook recently, a dangerous thing to do when 40 years have passed. I got lost staring at the silly hairstyles, the photos of teachers who are long since gone, the friend in the senior play whose name is now etched on the Vietnam memorial. It was a time of turmoil and strife in the nation. Racial tensions, assassinations and war were tearing the country apart. But you would never know that from my yearbook’s carefree and hopeful class photos.
Nothing doing: Staring off into space
I always assumed that people who lived in prehistoric times had it rough. Bad housing, no toothbrushes, scratchy clothes and no protection from wild animals or marauding bands of thieves....
Stolen goods: Tempted to plagiarize
A student in one of my preaching courses was struggling terribly. The sermons he preached in class were plodding, disorganized and weakly supported exegetically and theologically. He was aware that he was not meeting expectations, and was frustrated and embarrassed. But then, in his final opportunity to redeem himself in the course, he surprised us all by preaching a stunning sermon, profound and lyrical. It was good—too good.
Dreaming in Joppa: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148
Many Christians can name the hour and the place of their salvation. For me it was answering not one but two altar calls at Billy Graham crusades in the 1960s. For Reinhold Niebuhr, who was asked if he could name the time and place of his salvation, it was “2,000 years ago on a dusty hill named Golgotha outside Jerusalem’s wall.”
Creation conversation
Dear Ed: Thank you for your book addressed to a “Southern Baptist pastor.” As a Baptist pastor on the western edge of the South (and...
The Way That Leads There
There is much to celebrate in this important new book by one of the finest moral theologians writing today...
American Fascists
Your fundamentalist grandmother is unwittingly abetting a tyrannical conspiracy....
Comic-book violence
The famous battle of Thermopylae, which took place in 480 BC between a massive Persian force led by the King Xerxes and a small band of Greeks headed by 300 Spartans and led by the popular King Leo...