Fall books: Reviews

Our fall books issue includes the following reviews:
Philip Christman: The Underground Railroad, by Colson Whitehead. Colson Whitehead has created a world as compelling—and as intolerable—as our own.
Erica L. Brown: Mischling, by Affinity Konar. Is it possible for two 12-year-olds to retain their innocence in a place like Auschwitz?
Warren Kinghorn: Tribe, by Sebastian Junger. Can Christians display a life together that’s as compelling as war?
Heath W. Carter: Ghetto, by Mitchell Duneier. Ideas about the ghetto matter. They always have.
Dennis O'Brien: Prophecy Without Contempt, by Cathleen Kaveny. There’s a place in society for prophetic denunciation. There’s also a place for restraint.
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Peter Boumgarden: Good Christian Sex, by Bromleigh McCleneghan. Sex is complicated. So is Christian reflection on it.
Ellen Painter Dollar: Madness in Civilization, by Andrew Scull and Madness: American Protestant Responses to Mental Illness, by Heather H. Vacek. I relate to physical sickness more easily than mental illness. So does our culture.
LaVonne Neff: In the Darkroom, by Susan Faludi. Susan Faludi’s memoir reveals the deep complexity of her father’s many identities.
Walter Brueggemann: Uses and Abuses of Moses, by Theodore Ziolkowski. From baby in a basket to liberating lawgiver, Moses has been all things to all people.
Richard Lischer: George Herbert: 100 Poems, selected and edited by Helen Wilcox. How is it that the poems of a 17th-century aristocrat still resonate with us?
Shirley Hershey Showalter: When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanithi and The Violet Hour, by Katie Roiphe. Even in the secular imagination, dying has become a vocation.