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Alejandra Oliva
Alejandra Oliva is an immigration advocate and author of Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith and Migration.
Defending dignity at the National Cathedral
“We’re constantly saying what we’re against,” says Martin Dickinson, a lay leader at the cathedral’s sanctuary ministry, “and that’s necessary. But what are we for? Migration with Dignity gives us a framework.”
My word for 2024 was monasticism
One highlight of the year was a busy week in a cabin with three friends and a dog.
Vegetables that are fearfully and wonderfully made
My friend left me his CSA share for two weeks. It changed the way I look at labor.
The midsummer of life
The season of tending and waiting can be tedious.
Feeling God in a modernist cathedral-in-progress
While other churches have filled me with wonder, Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia brought tears to my eyes.
Movement of the soul
Justin Peck’s choreography takes the language of ballet and turns it into something more.
Caught up in the sweep of history
When I am troubled by the times in which we live, I turn to Óscar Romero.
The brine of Christianity
I don’t go to church anymore, but the faith I was pickled in still shapes me.
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A busload of migrants were told something was waiting for them in Chicago
It was our job to be that something.
The Night Pastor
I recently came across a record by 1960s Episcopal priest and jazz musician Robert Owen.