What is the Bible for?

Language to thread the past and present

What’s the Bible for? We asked dozens of writers to respond to this question in seven words or less, as well as to expand on their response in a few sentences. To see all of the responses together as they are posted, bookmark this page.

Language to thread the past and present

I once measured the length of a month by the book of Proverbs and the entire Psalter. I could conjure an entire imaginative world through snatches of a phrase from a story or parable. Even as the threads of my life attenuate the meaning I was taught to associate with the words, these patterns of language bind me to a past and present I can neither fully choose nor reject.

Kathryn Reklis

Kathryn Reklis teaches theology at Fordham University and is codirector of the Institute for Art, Religion and Social Justice.

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