Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Life after resurrection
Salvation is not a place but a way of life.
by Brian Bantum
by Judith Graham
The gift of nurturing small things during isolation
What deep desire do my sourdough starter and jade clippings represent?
by Melissa Kuipers
Social distancing lessons from the anchoresses
It takes more than isolation to make us into contemplatives.
by Shannon Gayk
For my money, John’s is the only Gospel in which Jesus seems really lonely.
by Kat Banakis
Humans can't flourish without institutions, flawed as they are. Holding them accountable, and increasing their capacity, enhances human life.
Some Americans see themselves as isolated individuals struggling in a forbidding environment. Institutions do things to them, not for or with them.
by Arthur E. Farnsley II