Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
What does solidarity mean at the border?
It’s not about electoral politics—not when both major parties embrace the policies that are oppressing people.
The humanity of human smugglers
Anthropologist Jason De León charts the desperation, grief, and friendships of the Central American guías who bring migrants across borders.
Border encounters
The US-Mexico border is rich with ordinary life—not just the sort of stories amplified by political rhetoric.
Pentecostals laboring in the field
Lloyd Barba shows how Mexican farmworkers established a viable life in the face of California’s industrial agriculture machine.
“God is my fire”
Encounters with Eritrean men at a refugee camp in Calais, France
Migration through a child’s eyes
Javier Zamora’s memoir chronicles the harrowing solo journey he made from El Salvador to the US at age nine.
A busload of migrants were told something was waiting for them in Chicago
It was our job to be that something.
A liturgy in the borderlands
Alvaro Enciso plants crosses where migrants have died, to keep them from disappearing into oblivion.
On the holiness of casseroles and spreadsheets
When our church offered Rosa sanctuary, our ordinary habits became a politics of hospitality.
At Tijuana shelter Casa del Migrante, every meal is holy
I take the morning shift to give the longer-term volunteers a few hours of rest.
Immigration law and the politics of disgust
How Pharaoh treated the Hebrews and how the US has treated my people
Trump’s refugee policy is a miserable moral failure
So is our nation’s long history of choosing economic success over global equity, safety, and wellbeing.
Why is the Border Patrol undermining humanitarian aid efforts at the southern border?
In July, agents raided a No More Deaths aid station—and 26 bodies were found in the desert.
Asylum seekers face nearly impossible hurdles. The Dilley Pro Bono Project tries to help.
A week with 12 law students volunteering in South Texas
by Amy Frykholm
At the border, “law and order” looks a lot like chaos
Trump’s new policies are creating confusion and misery.
Visiting a tent city in Mexico created by Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocol
The children here are gaunt and listless. They are running out of time.
by Matt Gaventa