Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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As Mecca reopens, economic disparities are on display
by Rabiya Jaffery
As churches reopen, attendance remains flat
by Yonat Shimron
Jehovah’s Witnesses to resume in-person gatherings, door knocking still on hold
by Alejandra Molina
Questions, anger follow UMC conference delay
by Heather Hahn
Undertakers, rabbis join global fight promoting COVID shots
by Lindsey Tanner
Historic Brentwood Benson Music announces sudden closing
by Mark Wingfield
Why ‘sorcery’ was the fastest-growing biblical search term in 2021
by Emily McFarlan Miller
New study examines how COVID has changed churches
by Adelle M. Banks
For some churches, paying back PPP loans is better than forgiveness
by Bob Smietana
Rebel constables help tenants stay in their homes during COVID
by Gabbriel Schivone
Muslim leaders and activists tackle opposition to COVID-19 vaccines
by Tasmiha Khan
Amish put faith in God’s will and herd immunity over vaccine
by John Seewer
India’s diaspora boosts virus fight from afar
by Sudhin Thanawala
For some pastors, the past year was a sign from God it was time to quit
by Zoë Kirsch
Marriage and divorce amid pandemic: Experts weigh in
by David Crary
London Haredim roll up sleeves to fight COVID
by Danica Kirka
Israeli plan to vaccinate all Holocaust survivors draws praise, skepticism
by Michele Chabin
Catholic activist Patrick O’Neill reports to prison, takes up new cause
Sean Feucht accused of ‘biological warfare’ in LA