Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
The brokenness of Christology
Sarah Coakley explores ruptures on the cross, in the Eucharist, in Spirit-filled people, and between Judaism and the church.
Debating the nature of Jesus
A thoughtful book that includes a lively conversation between New Testament scholars Bart Ehrman and Michael Bird
Is relating to God a fundamental need?
Biblical theologian Christa McKirland argues that it is.
by Hannah Jones
We may see him as fully human. Scripture resounds with his cosmic nature.
by Martha Spong
Rescuing faith from scientific imperialism
Kara Slade’s scathing yet incisive volume abounds with examples of modern hubris.
Episode 10: Theologian and podcaster Tripp Fuller, author of Divine Self-Investment
A conversation with theologian and podcaster Tripp Fuller about the Homebrewed Christianity podcast, open and relational theology, han and suffering, and more
Episode 1: Historian Diana Butler Bass, author of Freeing Jesus
A conversation with historian and popular author Diana Butler Bass about her upbringing, Jesus as presence, memoir theology, and more
The suffering Jesus in Shawn Copeland’s theology
African American spirituality and God’s act of solidarity
Rowan Williams sees creation through the human, divine Christ
The incarnation doesn’t require a miracle; it reveals one that’s already there.
by S. Mark Heim
Crossing the boundary between theology and science
Essays that consider the natural order as God's creation—in a way scientists might recognize.
The New Testament’s christological hymns are songs of resistance
They use the conventions of Jewish resistance poetry to challenge Roman occupation.
by Zen Hess
Softly and tenderly Jesus is cutting a tiny monkey’s hair
I love the Del Parson Jesus. But it's the Monkey Jesus I need now.
In praise of (imperfect) images
Depictions of Jesus reveal God—but never adequately.
James Cone's theology is easy to like and hard to live
If Jesus is black, he's calling us to do a lot more than affirm the color of his skin.
Are Greg Boyd and I reading the same Old Testament?
Yes, there’s violence. But there’s also God’s faithfulness and care.
Facing fear with Christ
Our collective panic is hurting us. Can faith help?
Two refreshing new books place the storyteller within the story he tells.
by Greg Carey
All living things are touched by divine grace—and caught up together in movement toward union with God.
by Ian Curran
Much of what Christianity has long been saying about the cross of Christ is problematic. So what is to be done about it?
Nevertheless, I think that John’s prologue has much more to say. In speaking about this Word become flesh, it also speaks powerfully to us about what it means to be human. Over the years, I kept returning to a few verses that changed the way that I saw the entire prologue and which consequently changed my entire theology.