Sunday's Coming Premium
In any need or trouble: Our intercessions are for us
The prayers of the people call us. When we answer, we invite the possibility that it is we who will be poor, hungry, sick, and in prison.
March 27, Easter Sunday: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26; Luke 24:1-12
Luke grounds the resurrection narrative in tangible details: the rock-hewn tomb, the linen cloth, the heavy stone, the fragrant spices. The reader can imagine the place and time. Then things fall off the map.
January 24, Third Sunday after the Epiphany: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Luke 4:14-21
In this week’s Gospel reading, many people praise Jesus’ teaching—until he claims that he is the fulfillment of the scripture he reads. It is difficult for American Christians to grasp how shocking Jesus’ announcement is to a first-century synagogue.
January 31, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30
The writer of Luke may be challenging his readers to accept even those whom the oppressed might reject, but Paul reminds us to act with love in all things.
Rejects in the center
Perhaps normal people no longer assume that church is part of what it means to be normal. Or perhaps the idea of a normal center was flawed all along.
United in suffering: Martyrdom as Christian vocation
Are the rest of us so different from our brothers and sisters in Libya or in Charleston? Are they heroes with whom we can never identify?
The most beautiful boat
My brother is nine and I am ten. Wood already obeys his hands when he asks it gently to work with him.
Incurable condition
Not every ailment can be fixed—or should be. Atul Gawande thinks we need to talk about this.
What love can’t fix
My dad's descent into depression
Keep Jesus weird
It's no surprise that Nicodemus goes home befuddled. If discipleship doesn't come with some confusion, it probably isn't Jesus you're following.
From survival to love: Evolution and the problem of suffering
For Andrew Elphinstone, human selfishness and violence are not evidence of a world gone wrong. They show a person ripe for transformation.
Sunday, March 9, 2014: Matthew 4:1-11
If temptation were all about blatant wrongdoing, it would be far easier to avoid.
Post-Christmas blues
I don't much like the days and weeks after Christmas. Christmas takes so long to get here, with preparations and anticipation building from mid-November on. And then, sometime during the day of December 25, it all collapses.
Bedbug epiphany: A Three Kings pageant
The frankincense gift needs to be taped back together. So does the stable wall.
Jeremiah's vexing task
The thing about serving as a prophet is that you are forever stuck between what God wants and what the people want.
Prayer concern: Remembering all the victims of war
Each week my church includes a prayer for the families of American soldiers who have died. As the names are read, I try to hold them in prayer. But I have wrestled with these prayers.
The three days of Timkat
For many early Christians, only at the moment of Jesus' baptism was he suddenly overwhelmed by the power of divinity.