The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air, by Søren Kierkegaard and Bruce H. Kirmmse
Kirmmse’s new translation of Kierkegaard’s homiletical reflections on Matthew 6:24–34 captures the sermons’ beauty and gravitas. From the lily and the bird we can learn silence, obedience, and joy—but these are not easy dispositions to adopt. Silence involves listening, and listening to God is risky: “Only in much fear and trembling can a human being talk with God, in much fear and trembling.” Obedience to God means enduring suffering with hope: rebuilding the nest each time it is destroyed; bursting forth in glorious bloom even if we know we are to be mowed down in the next moment. God calls us to abide steadfastly in the present, wherein we might glimpse the intersection of time and eternity. “Blissful, happy existence, so rich in joys!”